ohmassistant.com Reviews

4.7 Rating 3 Reviews
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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
I Installed Ohm assistant power saver device and my problems on how to save on electric bill and monitoring each applaince was solved, especially on monitoring each appliance at home. My electricity bills were rising and I wouldn’t know the reason. Even after I was being careful while using electricity. But after installing Ohm assistant its monitoring technology helped me understand what was wrong. There was a power leakage in one appliance which caused the rise in my electricity bill. I replaced it immediately and now everything is back to normal. Its instant alerts now help me take immediate action and also gets very convenient to monitor each appliance through this device
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I Installed Ohm Assistant last year, this energy monitoring device helped me identify which appliances are consuming most of the power per day, by keeping a track of it in real time. I had major problem in understanding as to why is my electricity bill increasing and how can I reduce it. Now with the help of Ohm assistant I could save a lot money on my electricity bill OHM assistant power saver device is the best and it is worth the price, complete value for money.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I know that there isn’t an immediately or direct solution for an energy monitor to save money on electricity bill, but I got a solution and an easy way to reduce and monitor my energy usage & bills, that was by Installing OHM Assistant home energy monitoring system, it is the best electric bill saver device, it will pay for itself in time, because it lets me know where exactly I can improve my energy-saving actions in future, and it did work for me on my current electricity bill and consumption.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
ohmassistant.com is rated 4.7 based on 3 reviews