Onecom Reviews

4.0 Rating 379 Reviews
Happiness Grade

Customer Service - Average

Industry Average
We have the recording of the call where he twice states he does not want to renew and clearly not fully understanding the service but is then talked around by the agent.
posted 3 weeks ago - Anonymous
Onecom are taking my elderly dementia ridden Dad to court to pay £1000 fine for cancelling his contract a few years ago because the broadband hardly ever worked. Onecom customer service was non existent and no one would fix the problems so he had no alternative but to switch providers. Shame on you Onecom preying on the vulnerable with your dodgy contracts and shoddy service. See you in court!
posted 5 months ago - Melissa
Always polite exchanges, with their customer services people and the secretary of the CEO, who I had tracked down and linked up on LinkedIn.
posted 6 months ago - Anonymous
Poor customer service, from customer service to credit control to account managers who all leave you hanging, get you over a barrel, snuck in unfair price increases, and then threaten you with early termination charges if you want to leave. AVOID AVOID AVOID at all costs.
posted 11 months ago - Anonymous
Dodgy sales practices, i was told my contaract would be £24 a month it went up to £41 a year later and this year it has skyrocketed to £204, like others have said customer service is none existent, avoid at all costs.
posted 11 months ago - David Holmes
Dreadful company, appalling customer services, lying salesmen, avoid at all cost. If you are having issues try ofcoms arbitration service, its free and they will look into any problems. Check everything and don't believe what the salesman tells you.
posted 1 year ago - Nicholas
Avoid,!!!!! customer service... Non existent Missold.. Definitely Charged us £156 for no service ptovided No line fitted by open reach!!!! No router!!! After being in business for 20 yrs, I have never seen another business with so many bad reviews I( fact I would say the good reviews they wrote the selves) Sez it all They Will be hearing from OFCOM /CISAS SCUMBAGS
posted 1 year ago - Carl
since being unhappy with their service i have tried to get cancelation fees to which i have been told i did not need two vox lines??? the story has now changed telling me i agreed to it in the contracts so therefore i have to pay for them both.
posted 1 year ago - Hayden Anthony
We were cold called by a Onecom salesman who promised to provide mobile phone service for us for less than the £15 per month we were already paying our provider at that time.
posted 1 year ago - Edward
This is from a Norwegian customer. After 3 days of waiting for the technician where I had been promised by your customer service to be visited later the same day. I gave up after following up my case for 2 days now and I am still waiting. It is a simple finer optic terminal which has to be replaced.
posted 1 year ago - Jose Guzon