“I hope to save as many people as possible from losing their hard earned money to this scums... If you already deposited your money with them and they refuse to give your money back, depleted your deposits or blocked your account you can contact www, mycapitalrefund ,com by visiting the web address . Its a recovery and cyber sec institutions that has been focused on retrieval of funds for internet based scams. this broker is just another unregulated broker. These fraudulent investment platform are becoming increasingly more sophisticated and stealthier, targeting people, networks and devices.”
“Ordered the Pro version Spywarebug from this company and It arrived well packed and within time stated. With the Spying App I was able to limit my children’s screen time which is so perfect for me . Also received lovely personal email and will be putting another order soon.
“they charge a minimum deposit of 250usd only to trick you and take every of your money, ive done a total research and also discovered ways to get back from them, contact e-assetsretrieval.org to know how to go about recovery.”
“Honestly speaking, I have not had to Hire a Wealth recovery pro since i lost my funds of 59,000 GBP in 2015 to secured options broker .This is due to negative remarks and such over the internet. well, due to my curiosity i found out about investment Recovery with the help of google Ads (Regalrefunder at gmail dot com) as at 2017 -2 years after, i was still able to get a 45000GBP refund of my investment. i am still suprised why a lot of people here are still looking for a way to get a recovery agent. There are very genuine ones out there like ( Regalrefunder at gmail dot com ) from the team”