Swoggi Reviews

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About Swoggi:

Swoggi is a common penny auction, targeting men and women alike, differently to other penny auctions, here the users have the opportunity to redeem any lost bid simply buying another bid pack. The products on auction are mostly Hi-Tech products.

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Can't believe I've got to my age and been conned by Swoggi,a total disgrace,that'll teach me to he greedy.don't do it whatever anyone reccomends.
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Posted 8 years ago
Hey , Mr Martin Lewis, have you got shares with Swoggi, what a RIP OFF !! D C
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Posted 8 years ago
Happy to have read all these reviews before making a big mistake, thank you guys...
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Posted 8 years ago
its a con , I tried it and conned £50 if you have money to through away this is the site for you .
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Posted 8 years ago
God, just work out how many total bids are made and multiply by what price per bid and you see just how much these sites are making. Yes some so called lucky winner gets a so called bargain but you DO NOT get something for nothing, as a winner you may not pay the full price but the site makes a bomb. WORK IT OUT cos its aint rocket science
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Posted 9 years ago
Martin Lewis of www.moneyexpert.com should be ashamed of himself! A review saying how great it was was written on the sight. I foolishly trusted the opinion and lost money without really understanding how it worked. I would love to hear from someone genuine ie a Martin Lewis who claim they won an i-pad within a few hours. No wonder he is wealthy he was probably paid handsomely to lead his followers to the slaughter. I do feel a little stupid but trust is a dangerous thing. Very clever scam. It must reap in millions worldwide to the unsuspecting.
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Posted 9 years ago
if its to good to be true it probably is. no one give away £400 + items for £100. they wont make money!!
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Posted 9 years ago
I should have mentioned in my previous review that they put auctions out for ipad airs and i pad minis with the time of the end of auction so you bid hard thinking that the auction is about to end only to find they extend the auction time and time again so you don't know where you are. I lost 100 pounds. I realised there was something drastically wrong and phoned bank to block payment but bank said the company was a merchant and would not stop payment.
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Posted 9 years ago
joined today payed £25 tried to bid but it kept telling me my password was wrong put in my email 5 times but nothing tried customer service but it don't exsist I am know going to paypal to see if I can get my money back so people out there don't sign up for this site
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Posted 9 years ago
Complete waste of money spent £150 couldn't see where the money went as impossible to win as bids keep rolling over and then they add extra time on to it if it's not high enough! Bid robot was supposed to bid on one auction but didn't show up any bids just took the money!
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Posted 9 years ago
I have also been conned for £50.00. No response to e mails and no success with any bids. Complete waste of money. A con.
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Posted 9 years ago
Wish I had read these reviews BEFORE joining sloggi ....I have been duped for £108 ..... This site should be closed down misleading information......I purchased £50 with free £8.00 so thought this must be ok as I have been using Ebay for around 8 years so well used to auctions... Big mistake ...I was bidding on the same phone for nearly 12 hours when the bidding was at the last few seconds out of the blue another minute or seconds were added then somewhere along the line it must have asked for more credits which I thought I had already purchased as it was a penny auction the next day another £50 was out of my account... The auction was still running 24 hours later ??? I am trying to sort this out with PayPal and my bank DONT !!!! Buy into this it is a massive SCAM at least Dick Turpin had the decency to wear a mask !!! I am so very angry with no phone number to call I will have to try and email them ...
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Posted 9 years ago
My thanks to everyone for the warning about Swoggi. This time my money stays in my bank! At my age I should know better.
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Posted 9 years ago
I also joined in good faith and feel a fool for having been caught out and have lost 100 pounds. They refused a refund. I realised it was a scam from the way the bidding was going and identical user names were bidding to block the auction and win the game. I requested a refund giving my reasons before my account had been debited but they gave an excuse and refused
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Posted 9 years ago
I joined Swoggi, but had a bad feeling and was really not sure, I was going to bid on an item tonight as I really wanted a Samsung mobile as my Iphone had crashed, was actually going to bid with £100 (which being a pensioner I could not really afford to loose ) Then I noticed your articles (just in the knack of time) I had informed them that the only mobile I was interested in was a Samsung Galaxy, within a day or two they emailed me with the details of exactly the model I am hoping to eventually buy, in fact I was going to make a bid on this tonight, then thank you all so much for your reviews , which I only noticed just before going on their site to bid , and thank you all so very much for your reviews. Golly I was even going to pay with a Credit Card for a limit of £100.00 I was shocked to hear the names of the people involved with this scam I really do hope that these sites are closed down , again many thanks to all of you who have left reviews
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Posted 9 years ago
Like so many people before me and no doubt many after me, I was taken in by what seemed a good idea, it took me about a day in total, I'm a bit slow I know, to work out what was going on, you bid and bid then realise that this is going to take forever as the bidding can go on for hours even days, then you come to understand you need to bid towards the end not at the beginning because when your out of credits you have to buy more to continue, but unlike bidding on eBay, what you bid you loose! The wife and I worked out that one item that eventually went for around £87.00 actually cost all those bidding nearly £2,000! Basically it's just a gambling site hiding behind retail sales. Be warned keep clear tell your friends!!!!
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Posted 9 years ago
Is Swoggi a SCAM? I started bidding on a lot last night. The timer said the bids close at 11pm but the bids will continue for 10 hours after 11pm. This would then bring the final end bids to 9am this morning. I'ts now 1pm the following day and the bidding continues. Is this a scam to encourage to buy bids at a cost, make you use them all up , then you still don't win any of the items you bid on. This is deffinately the last time Swooggi cons me and my money. trading standaardswill be notified
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Posted 9 years ago
as with all the other reviews,it's a total scam,fake bidders drive up the prices,i think the winners are probably fake accounts belonging to swoggi,they bid thousands to win and pay more than it's worth,totally fraudulent site,i'm not happy that paypal seem to be involved authorizing payments to what is a blatant rip off,they have had enough complaints but still do business with swoggi because they are making money from it !.don't sign up you will lose money
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Posted 9 years ago
I have just been conned out of £50 on this site within 40 minutes of registering, do not get involved is my advice to all contemplating signing up, I have never experienced a bigger scam on the net! I sincerely believe this site should be banned by watchdog. Thomas.
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Posted 9 years ago
I joined Swoggi after reading a very good review on Time Out London so I thought everything was in order. Only when I made my first bid at an auction I realised the real truth. Each bid was costing me 50 p and they were making thousands of pounds out of each auction. Each bid was moving the price up only by 1 p so an iphone which apparently was being awarded for 100 £ in reality had been paid 10000 £ by all the bidders. So probably the only thing to do if you ever decide to enter this auction is to concentrate on winning some cheaper credits. You can then participate on some of the other items without spending a fortune. I'm trying it myself but ..... (better not to comment any further). My congratulations go however to the owners. It's all very well played and having approuval from Time Out was a game winner. I should definitly be more careful on what I'm reading.
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Posted 9 years ago
Swoggi is rated 1.1 based on 195 reviews