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TedTech Worldwide SL, Calle Remol 3, Vivienda 1,

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Appreciate a new and fresh outlook and fast service. I didn't feel it was very personalised / tailored to my career history and circumstances though.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Hi, Many thanks for taking the time reviewing our service. We are sorry to hear that you are feeling this way and will contact you now directly and see how we can improve the CV to your satisfaction. Best wishes, Ellie
Posted 3 years ago
Dan has done a great job in reducing my CV from 5 pages to 2 pages. Thank you
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Hi, Many thanks for your time leaving your positive feedback. However, we would love to hear how we could improve our service. We have contacted you directly and look forward to hearing from you. Many thanks, The CV Squad Team
Posted 3 years ago
It was a somewhat helpful service although overall I feel a slight waste of time as I received better support from friends and family and Google searching things. The website chat system makes it a slow process and it doesn't feel like a collaborative work on your application documents. There wasn't much if any consideration for me as a person and conveying that, more so like they've just taken a load of jargon that doesn't sound like me and put it into a CV and cover letter. I used some of the CV pointers, I will use some of the bullet points from the cover letter, the linkedin document is out of date with how linkedin currently looks. Overall it's an acceptable service and it was at least nice to feel somewhat supported through this process.
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Posted 3 years ago
Hi Laura, Many thanks for your time leaving your feedback. We are very sorry to hear that you are feeling this way. We’re normally known for our exceptional attention to detail and personal service, and we regret that we missed the mark. Despite having a keyword optimised and ATS friendly document, a CV is a very personal document and we need your feedback to ensure you are a 100% happy with all. We will try to contact you now directly and look forward to speaking to you and working towards a result you are satisfied with. Many thanks, The CV Squad Team
Posted 3 years ago
The service was OK but not amazing. I was asked to provide my current CV and list any achievements. I did this and then a telephone consultation was arranged. The guy I spoke with spent most of this time trying to upsell a LinkedIn profile as well as the CV and cover letter I had purchased. I then heard nothing for 5 days so I chased it up and was told I would receive a draft the following working day. Upon receiving my first draft (which was written by someone different to the person I spoke to) I identified errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar. Some of my job titles had been changed and it seemed that a role I have been in for almost 18 months on secondment had been ignored. When I questioned this I was told that it would put employers off (as the role didn't match roles I would be applying for) despite me developing new skills in this role. Anyway, after a few iterations I 'signed off' the CV. The cover letter was a complete waste of time, it basically took one section of my CV (highlighting achievements) and added it to a standard 'I want to apply for this job' text. I would not recommend anyone purchase a cover letter. I then uploaded my CV to Monster and took advantage of the free 'review my CV' service, expecting a pretty decent review. To my surprise, the CV was slated and most of the comments I agreed with. I am now in the process of re-drafting my CV, taking on board some of the comments from the review, but also, making it more aesthetically pleasing. I wouldn't use this company again, but the service did give me a basis for a CV. I just need to make it a good one now!
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago
Hi Zoey, I hope you are well. Many thanks for your feedback. I have just tried to call, but had no luck. I am sorry to hear, that you are so unhappy with your CV and Cover Letter. A CV is such a personal thing, hence it is important to let us know, if you are not happy with what you have received. We would love to speak to you and help, explain certain areas and thought process of your CV, as well as in regards to your Cover Letter, and make necessary changes. In regards to the review from Monster, we would be grateful, if you could pass on the feedback so we can have a look and also talk that through with you. I look forward to hopefully hear from you, so we can address all issues. Best regards, Ellie Halaczinsky European Customer Service and Operations Manager
Posted 7 years ago
The CV Squad is rated 4.8 based on 352 reviews