Travel Republic Reviews

1.4 Rating 473 Reviews
Happiness Grade

Customer Service - Average

Industry Average
I have now received a full refund of all monies paid by me and am happy with the service provided.
posted 3 years ago - Anonymous
Excellent service from Travel Republic. I had to cancel accommodation booking to Crete due to quarantine restrictions. I messaged them through manage your booking. I got a lovely reply from Claire the next day advising the money we paid would be transferred back into my account within 3-5 working days. Money was back in my account 3 days later. well done Travel Republic 😀😀
posted 3 years ago - Jane Westwood
To make the refund process as fair as possible, our Customer Service team will be processing each individual refund in strict departure date order.
posted 4 years ago - Anonymous
Thank you especially to Monica and Rhiane for helping with our holiday booking. A polite, efficient service from both ladies when changing a Benidorm hotel booking.
posted 4 years ago - Victoria Peters
Nadine customer service amazing phoned to say been scammed with flights so had to cancel hotel day before balance due she was wonderful cancelled everything even returned my deposit Thankyou
posted 5 years ago - Anonymous