www.waptrick.com Reviews

5.0 Rating 130 Reviews
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www.waptrick.com 5 star review on 24th February 2024
Aerial Guzman
www.waptrick.com 5 star review on 23rd February 2024
Byro Banton
www.waptrick.com 5 star review on 17th July 2023
Warren Browning
www.waptrick.com 4 star review on 10th July 2023
www.waptrick.com 5 star review on 2nd July 2023
John Stimson
www.waptrick.com 5 star review on 19th June 2023
Marshella Curry
www.waptrick.com 5 star review on 9th June 2023
Ann Kolber
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Helpful Report
Posted 2 weeks ago
I had my Coinbase wallet wiped out in a single transaction. I didn't know what to do and couldn't get a hold of Coinbase. This transaction emptied out all my Ethereum and Bitcoin. This was not me and I needed help after losing roughly 221,000 dollars. I went to the police to file a report and I also filed a claim to the FBI but they couldn't help. I got someone who recommended "hackwest at writeme dot com", within 72 hours West was able to recover all my funds and also revealed the men behind the dirty act. I wish to let everyone know that it is possible to get your money back if you contact the right person and follow instructions.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 months ago
I think I have been scammed by Bitmartsd.com. I was invited to trade at bitmartsd.com and I transferred funds (86,000 USD) there. They said I have to transfer another 5000 USD after seeing a supposed profit of 44,000 USD added to my initial capital or else they will block my funds which I did and I was asked to transfer another 10,000 USD then I started suspecting it to be a scam, the website also looks much simpler than the bitmart.com website. I did my research and came in contact with “R e c o v e r y c o in g r o u p a t g m a i l d o t c o m” who recovered all my funds in less than 72 hours. Although it wasn’t free, it was worth it. I promised to let everyone know about the Recovery Coin Group (RCG). I strongly recommend RCG.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 months ago
Hello, I needed help! My husband was diagnosed with cancer 3 years ago and my charge cards were unable to keep up with his medical bills along with a few other negative marks. I tried to work on my negative marks and hard inquiries without success. I read about XAP Credit Solution on this platform and I took the risk because I was scared of trusting that amount of money and my information to a total stranger but I decided to give him a try. I’m marveled by the result I got afterwards. Everything is now at an excellent rate and my FICO score raised to 815 on average within a few days. QUickly contact XAPCREDITSOLUTION at GMAIL dot COM now for your excellent and reliable credit repair.
www.waptrick.com 5 star review on 24th February 2024
Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago
I am glad I came across HACKWEST AT WRITEME DOT COM after I was scammed over $556k of my life savings in Bitcoin. I was lured into investing in something I later discovered was a scam but Hack West came to my rescue. He didn’t stop at that, he also fixed my credit score and cleared all my debts. I don’t know how best to appreciate West and his team mates but to let the world know about them and what they do. So if you’re in need of a hacker kindly write them now. P.S: I wasn’t in any way paid to write this 5-star review. This is my personal experience and I chose to share.
www.waptrick.com 5 star review on 23rd February 2024
Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago
I was introduced to a hack that worked after I came across a credit repair specialist online. He advised that "INSTEAD OF BUYING A CASH CAR FOR $5k-7k BUY A TRADELINE FROM ME FOR $500-1000 and FINANCE a NEW VEHICLE WITH LOW MILEAGE THAT’S MORE RELIABLE THAN THOSE CARS THAT MATILDA’S DAD WAS SELLING". Yes, I followed his advice and paid for it, he didn't just add tradelines to my report he also fixed my credit score and erased all the negatives and hard inquiries from my report. I didn't just buy a good car, I was also qualified for a mortgage loan with a very low interest rate. Quickly contact XAPCRECITSOLUTION AT GMAIL DOT COM and thank me later.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago
Have you guys ever checked out PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST? I never knew that my credit is very bad due to hardship I have been facing and desperation. Luckily for me a friend introduced me to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. He helped me raise my score 297 points and removed all my eviction on my credit report thereby giving me a state. I was able to apply for a credit card once again and I was able to get a loan for my business. His service is affordable, He’s the real deal. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. His email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Helpful Report
Posted 6 months ago
Months ago I planted a seed here. My credit report was lit in red like a Christmas tree of nothing but bad checks. My goal at first was a 680 score, to qualify for a mortgage. That turned into 700…then 710…eventually I entered the 800 club. That 800 club then got me into the 800 teen club. Today I was notified that my Equifax passed the 800 teen club. 821! What was hard to qualify for a $500 credit card now makes it easy to get a $5000 credit card. What was hard to get a $1 credit line increase, makes it easy to get $1000. What was hard to get a lower credit card interest (that actually resulted in getting higher interest) now is easy to make and generally results in a lower rate. How I got to this point was from the help of PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST and the help I received from this board. It takes time, effort and determination. The pay in the end is great. I don’t regret working with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. When I started I wanted everything fixed overnight but he said no he has to go one bit at a time to avoid a trace. He started with what they know is easy and worked my credit up. That’s how I got here. His an angel in human form don’t fail to hit him up on email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Helpful Report
Posted 6 months ago
I’m a 36-year-old software engineer living in the Midwest. Most of my early life I never had good credit. 3 months ago my credit scores were 580 low 600s. I was obviously not happy with those scores so I started to clean up my credit. Opened 2 secured cards; Discover IT for 200; Navy Federal secured for 250. Did the pledge loan as well; self-account, stellar fi, boom for renting reporting, cap one only a 300 limit. Asking a family member to become an AU on their BOA still nothing changed instead my credit score kept dropping. Thanks PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST after reading so many reviews about them. When I got in touch with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST my story changed for the better. He helped me delete all negative items on my credit report within 6 days. My current score now is 806 TransUnion 811 Experian and 802 Equifax. Here is his contact info: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM I proudly and strongly recommend PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST service to everyone out there in need of a credit fix. He’s above the best and simply the best. 
Helpful Report
Posted 6 months ago
I was trying to purchase a home but my score was holding me back. Thank you PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for all your help. I got a new credit card limit with the sum $15k with positive tradelines on my credit report within a few days. He also helped me raise my credit score over 220 points and he made sure he deleted all negative items on my credit profile. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST made my life better and easier without any regrets after working with him. My mortgage has been approved and that has been my dream. Contact him on: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
My credit has taken a turn for the worse over the last few years due to life events. I have student loans, an auto repossession, and late payment on siad auto loan. I’m lucky to get a job where I’m making great money with very little living expenses. All I want to do is to fix my credit. My question was what do I need to do and who do I need to meet, because I don’t know much about credit rebuilding. I met my friend who has fixed her bad credit before and she recommended PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. I didn't have any doubt because she’s a living proof. I didn’t have any choice than to work with him. Few days after I made some financial commitment PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST increased my Vantage score to 780 and MYFICO score 800s. He also added some positive tradelines and cleared the negative reports from my credit. He went ahead to establish a very good business line of credit for me. Which I know has access to huge loans. You can contact them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Let him know I referred you.
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
Thank you PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. About 4 years ago I realized I needed to figure out how to recover from dad credit. Got a divorce and ex-husband didn’t pay for the house mortgage for a year (he was living in the house). Eventually, the house was sold as a short sale. My beginning scores when I found PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST were the low 600’s (Experian) and high 500’s (Equifax and TransUnion) I paid for their rebuilding program. Slowly but surely, my score went up. Then I qualified to purchase a home. Lucky me cause if I had waited until September of 2020, I wouldn’t have been able to afford my present home. (purchased it for $430,000. It was recently assessed for $585,000. I lived in the Northeast). Today: I still check my credit EVERYDAY and my scores are now Equifax: 801; TransUnion: 809; and Experian: 811; I’m no longer afraid of going to the mailbox or checking my email. I’m no longer scared of answering the phone. I feel in control of my life and now guard my credit. I’m writing this for anyone who is going through it. I want you to know that you will get through this. I mean I did it while barely making ends meet. Getting a divorce, taking care of my daughter and working. Just contact PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST and believe in them you’ll recover just as I did. Thank you to all in this forum who had such sage advice. Because of your sage advice, I have come so far. The journey was difficult and slow, but I’m here. You can reach them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
I’m not sure if this will stick but I’m moved to post for anyone looking (as this is where I came for many ideas as well). We had a very bad credit, negative items and different bills but if care is not taken depression might set in. went through so many folks which call themselves credit hackers. We’re self-employed. As we walked through the list of credit hackers, one finally came out. A friend recommended PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to us. We contacted them immediately. Trust me he really helped me by deleting all the negative items and bills on my report and boosted my credit score from 500s to 807. It’s been a long road and I now know way more than I ever wanted to know about FICO scores and credit repair. My saving grace was PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. I cannot recommend enough. I’m not promoting just for the sake of it, rather he was able to help us to navigate a very tricky situation and it would have been so helpful for me to have him with us from the beginning. I hope that anyone else who needs it can benefit from my failure and win! You can hit them up by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
Do you want to increase your FICO score? Do you want to pay off your credit card debt? I want to use this medium in appreciating PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for his good service. He raised my FICO score up to 811 excellent within 6 days and he also helped me pay off 2 America Express collections which now report as paid in full and for less than the original amount. He did exactly what he said he would. Don’t waste your time thinking about these issues. Contact him now for help: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM  
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
Hello everyone I want to sincerely appreciate PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for the dedication and time they put on working my credit. I needed help. My FICO mortgage scores were 510, 518, 557. All my FICO 8s are between 600-626. All credit cards, student loans, and a car have been paid on time for the last 4 years, with the exception of 1 late payment to Capital One and they will not budge to remove it. I have 6 old Cos that will fall off in 2025, and I have a collection from Jefferson Capital for $5400 for a car that was turned in back in 2018. I have disputed all these items several times with no luck. When I asked for proof that Jefferson legally had the right to collect this debt, since I had also received notices in the mail from 3 other collection agencies for the same debt. Each time all I got in response from the bureaus was a statement that the information was validated. I desperately needed help to raise my FICO 5, 4, and 2 ASAP. Until I read about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, I contacted them after reading some testimonies about them. They ran my credit report, analysed the credit score and determined which action will have the greatest impact. They raised my credit score to 806 and deleted all negative items on my credit report within 6 days. They made it work and I have a clean credit profile now. My heart is full of gratitude. You can reach them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
I was riding high enjoying my score when I got a collection notice for “Brightspeed” which I had never heard of for a little over $100. Long story short I found out that Brightspeed was a CenturyLink-a DSL provider that I ditched shortly after the consent of the Pandemic in favor of Comcast for the internet as video conferencing over DSL was impossible. Fast forward to three years later they came that I never paid my last bill or something to that effect. I got maybe two letters and a couple of phone calls and had intention on making them work for it by sending a dispute letter. Then I got busy and never did. I got an alert that my score had changed and when I logged in it felt like a punch. My credit report is full of flaws which also brought down my credit score. I needed a credit repair company to help me boost my score until a friend mentioned to me PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. I’m not good at telling stories but permit me to share my experience with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, so I contacted PINNACLE I explained to him about all the negative items on my report with total debt. He said to me: Yes! I can fix it in 6 days! I was excited. I’m now excited that my credit score has been increased to 811 across the credit board, He went ahead to add positive trade lines to my report and cleared the debts I heard. Contact them via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM I’m saying all this here because I don’t think anyone deserves to miss the train; Or won’t you want to end the bad credit you got? Do let him know I referred you. Thanks  
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
Hello all. First time posting here.  Wanted to share my experience with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. Back in April I left a dead-end salary job and I had 16k of debt across 5 cards. My scores had tanked from the 750 range to the low 500s. Got a new job in mid-April, and laid out a plan to pay off 1 card per month but my credit score didn’t increase. Working with a legit hacker is very rare until I came across PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST on this forum about helping people to fix their credit report. So I gave him the job. To be sincere I was sceptical at first when he told me not to worry that they’re going to fix my credit first before I make payment for their service. He brought my credit report up to speed, increased my credit score to 811 and removed all the negative items. I'm so happy to put down this review to tell you about the good news. Go for the best hacker alive. Contact him by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
I am 27. Got my first. Credit cards at 18. was approved a car off of the Toyota lot 7 months later with no cosigner... Being young and dumb, I maxed out all of my cards and had to go through a rebuild process in 2018. At that time, I studied these forums, had late payments and collections removed and was given a 15k AMEX card at 22!! I was making a lot of money at the time and again, was spending stupidly. From then on, things only went downhill. Long story short my AMEX was charged off and still reports every month as a charge off. I needed help getting this off my credit because it has shot it down so much!!! Until last month when I came across a review on this forum about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST a credit reform company. I decided to give them a try. 6 days after we reached an agreement and I met the requirements which obviously wasn’t much. My profile was totally repaired. Now my score is 806. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. Reach them via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM  
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
Yes, it actually feels good to have a worthy credit profile. I want to use this time to appreciate PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for bringing me out of a bad credit report that made my life miserable. 6 years ago I had perfect credit but my life spiralled out of control and was left with 50k debt.  I had no way of paying for it at that time.  I have been rebuilding my life for the past few months and need to fix my credit. I had 50k debt combined.  6 closed accounts with "negative pay status" "Charged off as bad debt".  550 credit score. I paid 2 of the 6 accounts off recently but the remarks are still there and nothing about my status changed on said accounts. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST came through for me, with all negative entries removed; charge offs, late payments wiped out including closed accounts all cleared from my report and my score is now 804. I got approved for a Capital one credit card with a $10,000 limit and have been pre-approved for another $30,000 limit. I’m happy now and THANKS to whoever posted about them on this forum for the first time. You can contact them via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM  OR text (479) 326-8077. 
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
Shout out to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for helping me achieve my goals of getting an excellent credit score and getting these collections off my credit report.  I am 27. Got my first. Credit cards at 18... was approved for a car off of the Toyota lot 7 months later with no cosigner... Being young and dumb, I maxed out all of my cards and had to go through a rebuild process in 2018 which didn’t work out for me. At that time, I had late payments and collections. I was making a lot of money at the time and again, was spending stupidly. From then on, things only went downhill. Long story short my AMEX was charged off and still reports every month as a charge off. I needed help getting this off my credit because it has shot it down so much!!! Until I came across PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST on this forum how they helped some members restore their credit. I quickly contacted them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM to my greatest surprise, within 6 days they helped me achieve my goals. I’m really grateful for their services. I sincerely recommend them. 
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
www.waptrick.com is rated 5.0 based on 130 reviews