“Beware of massive overcharges! You never know how much you will pay for this s**t, although it’s not worth a cent! One and the same thing, one and the same girl every time. If you want premium quality,
is a lot better. It’s personalized, it feels so real! It’s different and shockingly amazing every time. On Babestation you watch pre-recorded videos, you pay for nothing, you have no real connection to any of those “babes”.”
spent over an hour to get through with mass charges on my bill to never actually get to speak to anyone, they offer you to listen in which is where I found out the videos are not live and they have been recorded, if you did speak to someone I can guarantee it wouldn't be the girl on the TV and you can imagine what they would look like, AVOID BABESTATION AT ALL COSTS IT IS A TOTAL RIP OFF GOT CHARGED 51 POUNDS TO NEVER SPEAK TO ANYONE!!!!”