““I saw an interview over the much hype Tesla Financial program and invested the initial minimum of USD 240000, after then i started getting an incessant barrage of phone calls from this broker who tried to pressure me to increase my investment to the next
and after so as to double my returns. I finally ended investing a total of USD 540000 before i tuned him off completely. When I demanded to withdraw my investment after 2months, he stopped taking my calls nor responding to my mails. I tried all means of communication and seeking help to retrieve my funds but i was unsuccessful. I am profoundly grateful to the entire company of the TheresachinRecovery and if you got same issues you can reach them through Email: t h e r e s a c h i n 1 2 1 2 (at) g m a i l . c o m
Call/WhatsApp + 1 2 3 4 3 0 0 1 5 4 4 for their willingness to help recover my funds despite my case falling short of their basic standard requirement. I now feel re-assured that these scammers will begin to hear a hissing sound turning louder everyday; thanks to the TheresachinRecovery”
“I made an investment with this company and the profit was cool, it got to a point for me to withdraw and all messed up, i called and sent lots of emails and no response from them, that was when i knew i have been scammed by the company, i got a referral to M A D A C O V I . C O cybersecurity teams and i was able to get my funds back”