Urban Book Publishers Reviews

4.7 Rating 123 Reviews
96 %
of reviewers recommend Urban Book Publishers
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About Urban Book Publishers:

We started out in 2003 to aid tens and thousands of authors make their mark in the writing industry. Our focus is to give authors a launching pad to convert them into successful and established writers; whether new or already established.

We are proud of our highly skilled, talented, and dedicated team of writers who are true to their word, as they deliver according to their proficient skills, which are no doubt unparalleled and well-versed in this competitive industry.

Our writers put their expertise to test by providing innovative and professional-grade content that satisfies our customers every single time. Our journey to be the best was not an easy one, but we still pulled through and our resilience allowed us to reach the highest possible level of excellence.

We prioritize our clients, working with them to the end, as they are our first and foremost asset. The list of our clients varies from novelists, publishing houses, bestselling authors, celebrities to business executives, and many more; this indicates our unparalleled and unrivaled services in the writing service industry.

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369, Lexington Avenue
New York

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Do you require 100% payment before any work is done on preparing a book for publishing?
Asked by Belinda Wright (1 year ago)
Considering their services, would like reviews from those who have done business with them?
Asked by Sammie Moran (1 year ago)