Donna B
Emma and Tiago are the best housesitters, we entrusted our new house and 2 cats to their care for 6 weeks. They made the effort and took the time to slowly befriend our two very shy cats, gradually earning their trust and affection. We received regular updates via messages, photos and videos of the progress, this surprisingly only took just over a week. Once we knew that the cats would let them pat them we were able to fully relax whilst on holiday. We continued to receive regular updates, it was so good to eventually see the cats on the bed with them. Upon arriving home, we found our house in tip top condition, gardens and lawns were well maintained and the inside was tidier and cleaner than when we had left. In fact, even the vacuum cleaner and lawn mower had been cleaned. All our neighbours have said that they never heard a peep from the house, Emma and Tiago went about their business without causing any issues, disturbances or damage. We would thoroughly recommend these two beautiful souls for house sitting. They will love your pets and look after your house just as their own.
1 year ago
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