DJI Osmo Shield for Osmo Mobile 3 Reviews

5 Rating 1 Reviews
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You could not use any Osmo with a smart device that had an extra-wide angle lens because the lens always showed part of the gimbal. An I like using wide angle lenses in my real estate photography. The DJI Osmo Model 3 solved that problem. I.e the gimbal does not appear in ultra-wide angle shots. Additionally, the Osmo Mobile 3 has excellent battery life, works as it should without glitches and is not unduly heavy. In case you didn't know it, you can also hook up your smart device to the Osmo Mobile 3's battery to charge your smart device while from the Osmo Mobile 3, while using the Osmo Mobile 3. As to ADVEXURE, don't trust your purchase to anyone else. Why? They have excellent inventory, ship very quickly, mostly free shipping, are very knowledgable about the products that they carry and most importantly, they are a rarity these days: GOOD HONEST PEOPLE that you can rely on.
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Posted 4 years ago