Boho Beautiful Retreat Reviews

4.9 Rating 927 Reviews
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About Boho Beautiful:

Boho Beautiful is a yoga & healthy lifestyle brand that provides all kinds of video content & digital programs aimed to help people raise their frequency & vibration. <3

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Sidney By The Sea

Michelle Michel
Verified Reviewer
I have been doing the Boho Beautiful yoga videos on YouTube for years and have loved the wide variety of formats and video lengths. The video, audio, and instruction is superb. I first purchased the 4 session Yin Yoga series, as that has been the most beneficial for my hips and spine, and it has brought me so much relief and joy. I purchased the retreat at the start of the new year and I absolutely love it! As always, Juliana’s instruction is fantastic! I am 5 days in and am completely happy with the purchase. Looking forward to finishing the retreat videos and starting the course over in the coming months. Boho is the best! Love you both and thanks for improving my flexibility, overall health, and ability to cope with the stresses of everyday life. ❤️
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Helen Lindenberg
Verified Reviewer
A wonderful journey for me. I enjoy it so much. It‘s meditative and challenging at the same time.
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Andrea Pauly-Kurz
Verified Reviewer
I loved the tree the ability to connect to oneself and the healing yoga asanas. It gave me a mental emotional and physical clarity on myself that allowed healing in all areas in my life. I love the way Juliana talks and guides one through-out the class and helps one flow, flourish and evolve in the practice.
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Aleisha Gray
Verified Reviewer
My soul thanks you both a thousand times over.
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Laura Crisafulli
Verified Reviewer
It was good, but I thought alot of morning videos were quite similar
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Jingwen Zhang
Verified Reviewer
So far I've purchased four programs from Boho Beautiful (complete, detoxify, transform and retreat) and gave all five-stars, but this retreat program is my least favourite. But this is purely my personal feeling and I still highly recommend other programs, just be careful to choose the right one for you. I have to say that the idea of starting your 2020 with a new program is so exciting and that is why I purchased this. I need a scheduled workout program for me to get back together after the holiday season and get ready for the work. However, I've tried the retreat and stopped in the middle of day 3 morning yoga. I think the idea of this program is to enjoy and sit back to relax, so maybe it is better to do it actually during a vacation. I am just not the kind of "meditation" person. I always love Juliana's voice which could simply calm me down and help me to concentrate and motivate. But the medication just didn't work for me. Besides, the morning yoga is in a way "too gentle" in terms of burning calories while too challenging when doing some advanced poses (i.e. head stands and full wheels in the first two days). In conclusion, I felt distorted and fatigued after doing this for 2 days, and totally unprepared for the rest of my day. The one-hour seemed endless so I had to stop in the middle on day 3. Sorry about the above negative feedbacks but this is just how I felt. I am pretty sure for someone who enjoyed meditation and want to experience a yoga retreat would love this program. And I will try to go back to it later on during holidays, not after. The day after I stopped doing this program, I started the boho transform, which is amazing. I can felt and saw the "transformation" now (day 3) and I felt so energised after the workout, so prepared to get back to work. The 45 min cardio/tone works are very challenging yet easy to stick on. The reason I put this here is that I just want to say choose wisely about your purchase. The boho programs are definitely worthwhile, just choose the right one for yourself.
4 Helpful Report
Edita Siborova
Verified Reviewer
Really life changing programme. I love the yoga videos, there is everything toning muscles, stretching, pushing limits, connecting to my breath, I just love it. Thank you journaling tasks I am understanding myself better and I am connecting to myself more deeply. Thank you very much
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Verified Reviewer
The exceptional journey both through various yoga styles and deep into yourself. Absolutely love the entire, beautiful content of the program with creative and thoughtful guidance of Juliana. I think your idea of the virtual yoga retreat is brilliant and appreciate all your hard work and artistic execution. Inspiring, challenging but also bringing joy and peace . Thank you very much and please continue :) Love and light.
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