Apricare Bitter Apricot Kernels 1kg Reviews

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WARNING: Apricot kernels contain amygdalin, a substance that can be metabolised into hydrogen cyanide in the body. Hydrogen cyanide is a poisonous substance that can cause serious health problems, including vomiting, dizziness, seizures, and even death. The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified amygdalin as a possible human carcinogen. Due to the potential health risks associated with apricot kernels, we strongly advise against their consumption. If you choose to consume apricot kernels, do so with extreme caution and consult with a healthcare professional before doing so.
Enhance your culinary creations with Apricare Bitter Apricot Kernels, a premium selection of raw, bitter apricot kernels meticulously sourced from the finest orchards in Turkey. These exceptional kernels offer a unique and authentic ingredient, adding a distinctive flavour and texture to a variety of dishes.
Authentic Turkish Provenance
Our bitter apricot kernels are meticulously handpicked from renowned Turkish orchards, acclaimed for their fertile soil and optimal climate conditions. This rigorous selection ensures consistent quality, exceptional taste, and optimal nutritional value in every pack.
Apricot kernels are a rich source of essential nutrients, including healthy fats, dietary fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals. They are also an excellent source of amygdalin, a compound that is the subject of ongoing research for its potential health benefits.
Precautions and Usage Instructions
Due to the potential health risks associated with amygdalin, it is recommended to consume apricot kernels only for external use.
Please consult with a healthcare professional before using apricot kernels for any purpose.
Store Apricare Bitter Apricot Kernels in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
Product Origin: Turkey
Please Note:
In compliance with current regulations set by Food Standards Australia & New Zealand, apricot kernels are not intended for human consumption. External use only.

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We use this product for more than ten years as a source of B17. All is consistently good over time.
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