Hydrology9 Vaporizer None Reviews

4.6 Rating 330 Reviews
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Full disclosure, Cloudious9 reached out to me and ask if I could write a few sentence on this product. I was blown away by Hydrology9 and it started at how futuristic it looks to how smooth the vapor was. The whole user experience was so different in a better way. It takes a few minutes to get use to it because it is a little different from the traditional vaporizer from the bottom loading chamber to the glass mouth piece. But it is refreshing to see something so different out there.
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Posted 7 years ago
Full disclosure, Cloudious9 reached out to me and ask if I could write a few sentence on this product. I was blown away by Hydrology9 and it started at how futuristic it looks to how smooth the vapor was. The whole user experience was so different in a better way. It takes a few minutes to get use to it because it is a little different from the traditional vaporizer from the bottom loading chamber to the glass mouth piece. But it is refreshing to see something so different out there.
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago