Foaming Charcoal Cleansing Powder: AHA + Aloe Reviews

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A lightly foaming cleanser you mix yourself with a liquid to form a past customized for your skin type. Mix with water, oil, honey, or other liquid. pH 4.5 support the acid mantle of the skin. Made with organic, wild harvested, and ecocert ingredients - FREE OF SLS, PARABENS, EMULSIFIERS, PRESERVATIVE FREE.

About Colorado Real Soap:

A HUGE "Thank you" to all the wonderful people who have taken the time to share their thoughts with me and the world! I’m very proud of these love letters from my tribe and my growing list of positive reviews. I do not send out invitation reviews - every review is left by someone who, of their own accord, left these kind words! I hope you’ll chime in too! Reach out if you have questions or need assistance.

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This has helped my skin so much! After reading through Val’s educational blog posts here, I realized that it would probably help my congested skin if I exfoliated more. I’m currently 43, and I started having problems with breaking out when I was in my 30’s. I started exfoliating every other day with this, and I rarely break out now. (I sometimes still get tiny hormonal zits, but they’re small and go away quickly). I mix this up in my hand right when I use it, and I mix it with a tiny bit of organic Kiwi Oil and a dab of Manuka Honey to make a loose paste. I get it a bit wet on my face to help thin it and get it to spread (or else the honey tends to buffer all the exfoliating bits), and it gently wipe/mop it off with a wet washcloth (unless I’m in the shower, in which case I just rinse it off). My face comes out smooth and clean. I usually use diluted rice vinegar to tone, and I use Val’s Retin-Alt Repair after. I use Hemp Seed oil in the winter too, but in the summer I just use the Retin-Alt. On alternate days I just wash or mask with honey instead of using the scrub. Thanks for such a great product, Val! And thank you for all the quality skin information you’ve put out.
2 Helpful Report
Posted 4 months ago