4.8 Rating 22 Reviews
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About CrampFix - Fixx Nutrition:

Fixx Nutrition and CrampFix offer a range of all-natural, functional nutrition solutions made in our own manufacturing facility. Driven by an obsession to innovate and offer our customers highly effective products that help improve their lives.

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6/3 William Banks Drive, Burleigh Heads, Queensland,
6/3 William Banks Drive, Burleigh Heads, Queensland

Ease of transport , ease of use
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These are for at home, post ride, if I feel cramps starting. A teaspoon of this and forget cramps for the next few hours
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This is great stuff and works really well for me. I use it half way through longer rides and then as needed after that. It has helped fend off cramps and get me through some longer rides. If you like pickles then you'll be fine with the taste, it works so you adjust.
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After a number of ultra marathins where I suffered severe leg cramps, I discovered Crampfix. Not only does it ease the cramp quickly, it also seems to have reduced the onset of the cramp attacks and the severity. A must have in my running vest
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Used during UTA50 2021. Extrenely effective during latter stages of the race. Knocked the cramps away when I needed it the most. Scored a PB. Thanks Fixx!!
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Only used this once but it worked! I cramp really badly on long rides so at 110 km into the Mudgee Classic with 60km still to go I thought “Oh no here we go again”. Took a swig of Crampfix at the first signs of cramping and was able to keep going, no further cramping. Had a prophylactic swig before the final climb and happy to say made it to the finish line with no more cramps. Can’t say I love the taste but who cares it worked!! Will definitely have with me for future long rides.
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