Blushield Tesla Portable Reviews

4.9 Rating 13 Reviews
David Silvester
Verified Reviewer
Initially there was a sense of immediate alignment with wearing it As it continued over time it coached me in energy sustaining A very satisfying sensation
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Posted 3 years ago
That's great to hear David. Enjoy the Blushield!
Posted 3 years ago
Nice to know your protected from emf from Wifi, mobile radiation all day. Travelling on aircraft I noticed I don't get Jetlag anymore. The device has been scientifically proven to work. With 5G now around it is good to know Tesla Gold Portable is protecting me.
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Posted 3 years ago
Hi Robert. Thank you for your review. We are happy to hear the Blushield portable is working out for you. With best wishes from Earthing Oz.
Posted 3 years ago
Ive been using this product for over 1 year. It took me a while to purchase it, as I wanted to do lots of research as to its real benefits and generally what EMF exposure does and means for us. I have travelled extensively since I bought it, and when I do forget it (on the odd occasion) I notice a change in my energy levels, even my thoughts. Im currently in London - where they are rolling out 5g extensively and I feel happy to know that I have this device with me - wherever I go, it feels like my own personal shield and I feel incredibly grateful for this product! I now find - before I leave the house, I check my bag for my keys, phone and tesla device :).
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Posted 4 years ago
Hi Clare, Thank you for leaving a review. We are so happy to hear the Blushield is working for you. Best wishes from Earthing Oz.
Posted 3 years ago
We have the blue version (a few years old now?) - I love knowing it's helping protect us and our family. I have slept better since we had it after having insomnia for years, I do wonder if it has helped that!
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Posted 4 years ago
Hi Arwen, Thank you for your review. We are happy to hear the Blushield is working well for you and your family. With best wishes from Earthing Oz.
Posted 3 years ago
I am a registered nurse and had done night shift for 10 years to work around my 3 children. I work with elderly people in a home care community that has every modern convenience which means there is a huge amount of wifi and electromagnetic radiation we are all subjected to daily. Unsurprisingly I had a health crisis near the end of 2017. Thankfully I was able to return to work after 1 month but I knew that I would need to do everything possible to protect myself from the EMF’s we were constantly exposed to so that my recovery could continue. I looked into products designed to do this and found the Earthing Oz Blushield and my husband happily bought one for me. I move around a great deal at work so I needed something portable- I used the Blushield each day and kept it in my pocket from the time I left home till the time I returned. It was simple to use and the battery lasted more than a week after charging it fully! I could really feel the difference - now my husband also has one with him daily while he is at work. I have recommended this product to many people who asked me what I did to recover from my health crisis. I believe protecting ourselves from electromagnetic radiation is a very important part of looking after our health and I would recommend the Blushield to anyone.
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Posted 4 years ago
Hi Rachel, Thank you for taking the time to leave a review. We are so happy to hear the Blushield portable has been of great benefit to you. Thank you for your recommendations. With best wishes from Earthing Oz.
Posted 3 years ago
I purchased this for peace of mind and didn't think I would experience any noticeable benefits - or even know if it was working. However, since turning it on, I've had a multitude of detox symptoms (apparently very common) as well as improved sleep - less groggyness upon waking. Very happy and tempted to buy some of the more powerful units..
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Hi Catherine, Thank you for taking the time to review the Blushield. We are very happy to hear it has made a difference. Best wishes from Earthing Oz.
Posted 3 years ago
I used it to travel to the USA and now carry it with me everywhere: Home, work, car. It’s easy to charge and stays charged for days. Excellent small compact size. Service was also great. Very helpful, fast and knowledgeable about their products. Item just as good as service. Many thanks.
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Posted 4 years ago
Hi Nicole, Thank you for taking the time to review the Blushield Portable. We are very pleased to hear you are happy with your purchase. With best wishes from Earthing Oz.
Posted 3 years ago
The portable Blushield device is an essential part of my life now. I use it when using computers, any Bluetooth connected device, whilst travelling through airports and on planes, in shopping centres and at work. I am very sensitive to Electro Magnetic frequencies – so much so that my skin broke out in a severe rash and peeled after one week at a new receptionist job dealing with a large computer screen and nearby modem emitting huge metre readings. It really helps me feel OK around all that unnatural energy.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Hi Gillian, Thank you for your review of the Blushield Portable. We are very happy to hear you have found it helpful. With best wishes from Earthing Oz.
Posted 3 years ago