King Song 16X 1554Wh Battery/2200W Motor, 3" Wide Tire Reviews

4.9 Rating 13 Reviews
Forrest Bezotte
Verified Reviewer
Being my first EUC, I wasn't sure which one to buy. I wanted something I could grow into without being overwhelmed. I bought the 16XS with the 777Wh battery. Pros: I charged it a week ago and it's still at over 50% charged! It's built really tough. I've dumped it numerous times and the shell can take a beating. It climbs the hills where I live really well. It's loads of fun and the speakers sound decent when playing music through them! Cons: (Most of which, I'm sure, have to do with my experience level.) It's heavy. It fell on my foot while learning to ride it and youch! Difficult to ride at slow speeds (again, probably my experience level.) Seems to require a lot more effort to control than I expected. ("SUBMIT, wheel!") The chip-and-seal roads near me seem to hate my EUC and it wobbles like crazy on them. All in all, I have no regrets, and I'm having a lot of fun (as well as a great leg workout). If I were to do it over, I may have bought a smaller wheel to start off with but this one's a keeper and one I'd recommend highly.
4 Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
The 16XS is my first wheel so I have nothing to compare it to. I haven't been able to ride much without the wheel wobbling yet, but I'm hopeful that's a rider error that will resolve itself with more practice and not something wrong with the wheel. Other than the wobble and the wheel occasionally accelerating when it gets laid on it's side, I'm happy with the purchase.
2 Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Stanley Thornton
Verified Reviewer
For my first wheel to learn on it has been great. Look forward to many rides to come.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Michael King
Verified Reviewer
What a beautiful wheel. Bought for my kids and wife as an upgrade from a ninebot one. Only took a minute to get use to the bigger frame and wheel. So nice e to be able to go further and faster.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Matthew Jamieson
Verified Reviewer
I have the 777wh one. It's also my first wheel. But this thing is much faster than expected. I'm really starting to get the hang of riding in the grass of my backyard. It's really fun and when you fall you land in the soft grass.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago