We don't have reviews for NEW: Veteran Sherman 20", 100V/3,200Wh Battery, 2500W Motor. $1,000 Deposit. Please check back later.

Roman Versoza
Unverified Reviewer
First time purchasing a product that's not local, and someone to physically see. But, I had no issue's doing so. Just waited patiently and when I received an email regarding my wheel, made a commitment and in two days I got my SWEET SHERMAN! Thanks eWheels, you are awesome!
1 Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Gotta say, when I first rode it, I missed the agility of my intro wheel to the euc nuthouse, the inmotion v8, but now with about 150 miles in the clock I'm loving this wheel. Cruising at 35 mph is so much fun. I feel like a ninja zipping all over the place. The sherman is awesome. The down side is that I have not ridden my inmotion v8, motorcycle or bicycles much after getting the sherman!
3 Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
This is my third wheel. I have a 16 S, 16 X and now a Vet. My favorite things about the Vet is the power and speed. With my kingsong if I rode close to 30 mile an hour I was always concerned about pedal tip back. With the vet I can ride along at 30 mile an hour knowing that I have a 15 mph cushion before I get a tilt back. It makes for so much more of a relaxing ride. The range is good and I can go 85 miles very briskly but after that I have to slow my speed and within 10 miles I need to be finding a charging station. I weigh 200 pounds and ride between 25 and 30mph most of the time. I was hoping for over 100 miles between charges but it’s still pretty good. I could only get in the high 50s with my 16 X. And I had to drive less than 15 miles an hour the last 15 to 20 miles on the 16 X. I rode over 25 miles an hour right up to 85 miles on the vet. The battery level display is very good and accurate. It is also very nice to have the display right on top in case software problems arise between your phone and the wheel. The vet is a little bit clumsier than the 16 X but then it is a bigger tire and 25 pounds heavier. It is great on long stretches as you can just cruise so smoothly at higher speeds. I will still probably ride my 16x quite a bit in town running errands but for a long trail ride you cannot beat the Veteran Sherman. The trolley handle is a little spindly compared to the kingsong but hopefully it holds up. It works fine but the King Song trolley handle really spoils you as it is the best on the market I feel. If you can afford it get one of each. I have never had an inanimate object bring me as much joy as electric unicycles have. I am addicted and when they come out with a faster, longer range unicycle I will probably be putting another deposit down. As of now I think the veteran Sherman is probably one of the best values for a high performance wheel on the market in my opinion. I watch hundreds of hours of YouTube videos and my experience reflects much the same of what I’ve seen so far. If you can afford it by a smaller King Song or similar wheel to get started and to run errands and when you’re ready to have some high-performance riding buy a Sherman.
8 Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Antonio LaRocca
Unverified Reviewer
Came from an Airwheel X3 to the Veteran Sherman and boy was it an upgrade. The speed and range on this is impeccable also the wider rim and higher pedals was what sold me on getting this over all other wheels, it just shows that Veteran listens to their customers and doesn't skip on quality. Also E-Wheels is such a great company to buy from never leaving this site for my Euc needs.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Lucas Utigard
Unverified Reviewer
Great wheel for nearly everyone and everything u throw at it. It's got a nice range,Solid speed, and robust crash bars. A little on the heavy side. But it definitely feels heavy-duty (great build quality) I've rode about 4k miles on mine since February. I would definitely recommend this wheel to anyone in the market for one!
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Posted 2 years ago
I ordered Inmotion V8 in April from eWheels, and grew out of it in one month! So I went with one of the best EUC’s available in the market today-Veteran Sherman, especially after they updated the pedal height, wider rim. Coming from entry/mid level V8, it’s a surprised to me how the knobby tire rode over dirt buttery smooth. Obviously, speed and range are another big factors with the Sherman.
4 Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Verified Reviewer
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Posted 2 years ago
This wheel is BAD…a$$! Sorry for the long review (and bad spelling/grammar) because I’m on the VS more than doing a video review. A quick background: My gateway drug to PEV’s started with the OneWheel XR. I’m a snowboarder through and through hence why most of my board toys rides in the same fashion… sideways. Got into OneWheel when the shutdown happened last year (hurt my knees from a nose-dive that took me out for a month: more on this in the tips section) and have put over 2,600 miles in less than a year. As a family man, riding time is extremely hard to come by so I did a lot of night riding, especially after the kids and wife went to bed. I rode it when I’m “watching the kids” outside. I took it out on bike rides and opened up “exploration mode” with my family. I can push my son on his bike up hills, effectively giving him an e-bike, which led me to getting my wife an e-bike & an eScooter (from eWheels). I hope you get the gist… this is all I did in my spare time. No Gym. No exercise. Just OneWheeling. I share this background so you can understand when I said to my friend, Lee, who was trying to get me on a EUC “I will never ever ride one of those things! EUC’s will never be as cool, nor would you have as much fun as riding a OneWheel”. Lee, you bastard, you left your EUC with me. You had a plan and I think it worked
6 Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago