Feather & Stitch Reviews

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About Feather & Stitch:

Our aim at Feather & Stitch is to provide a fabulous boutique shopping experience outside central London. Each season, items are handpicked from mainly Danish, French and other European designer labels with a focus on stylish everyday pieces - well cut jeans, luxurious knitwear, silk blouses and dresses and beautiful accessories.

Owner and Founder, Fiona Sanderson, cut her teeth in the world of fashion travelling the globe as a buyer for a big high street retailer before founding Feather & Stitch in Richmond, Surrey in 2009. This was also the year Fi had her first baby - Fi has found it interesting at times juggling the two!

Feather & Stitch's mission is to help customers find their own individual style and one of the team is always on hand to offer one-on-one styling advice. We also order items in specifically for customers and pride ourselves in delivering an amazing shopping experience and personal service.

We'd love to see you in the shop if you are travelling through Richmond, so do pop by!

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+44 (0)20 8332 2717




16 King Street