Diamondback ATROZ 2 M Reviews

5 Rating 1 Reviews
Read GovVelo.com Reviews

About GovVelo.com:

- Love riding bikes & getting people on bikes. -

- Crazy passionate about what we do, which is why we got into this! -

- Love sharing that passion! -

- Give extra to the military & government community. -

We're a military family ourselves, we’ve experienced first-hand the challenges of living an active life while serving. Many bike shops aren’t willing to offer a discount, don’t know how to ship a bike APO, or are simply too busy with their local customers. And sometimes, there may not even be a quality bike shop nearby.

It seems pretty simple, but the journey has been incredible. In early 2020, yup, that year, we opened our own brick and mortar retail location to better support our own local community, so if you find yourself near Biloxi, Mississippi, drop on in!

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This bike rides very well for the parts it has. Not only that but the parts that your going to replace will only upgrade your bike and at the same time the one’s that are there work just as fine. its the perfect beginners bike.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago