Gentle Renewal Scrub with Sunflower Seed Oil & Kaolin 30ml Reviews

4.2 Rating 26 Reviews
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This is a really nice face scrub. Only a small bottle mind and the walnut shells give a slightly abrasive feel to it and it does leave the face feeling quite fresh and smooth. This is good I a have used it quite a bit so far there are a few better products but this really is not bad at all.
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This is a very thick white facial scrub. It is so thick it takes some effort to get enough out of the tube. It recommends using on damp skin - you need the moisture to thin it enough to spread over the skin. The kaolin in it does take up the moisture well & it feels very soft. The particles are quite fine so it does scrub gently and it does have a very pleasant scent.
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This is a top quality facial exfoliator scrub IÕm very impressed with this brand - their facial wash is the best IÕve ever used and I had high hopes for this. I dampened my face and applied and massages into my face After 1 application and wash my face was visibly brighter, clearer and glowing It is rich and can be evenly applied and massaged in - then washed away It has a delicate aroma and feels soothing rather than harsh Overall - after a week of applying every day people have noticed even more so - and I had clean good skin anyway The best IÕve used yet DonÕt know what else to write in such a review - but compared to Clinique and other products / this wins
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I had high hopes for this. If you've got oily skin, a scrub can be useful to clear away sebum and dead cells and prevent pore congestion, but a lot of scrubs make your skin sore, or contain plastic microbeads. This contains natural abrasive particles plus kaolin, which is good for oil reduction, and is only very minimally fragranced which is important for sensitive skin. HOWEVER, in use it's just not very effective or pleasant. The balance of kaolin to walnut shell particles isn't right, for one thing; there aren't enough scrubby bits so you don't feel it's actually exfoliating your skin. Worse, it doesn't rinse off cleanly. You rinse and rinse, only to find it's still stuck to the creases around your nose, or wherever. Using it felt neither pleasant nor effective, and for £13 you should expect both those things and more. If you're looking for a really effective scrub, the Body Shop Vitamin C one is amazing and about the same price per ml. Or the Clinique 7 Day one is good too.
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I have quite sensitive skin, and it's sometimes challenging to find products that work well. This renewal scrub is lovely though. Not too harsh which is brilliant, and does not irritate my skin. Leaves my skin feeling smooth and refreshed without soreness or tightness. Feels lovely. Recommended.
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No need for me to crossly have to list a load of ingredients which online buyers might need to know before deciding whether this is safe (for them, not just the environment) or contains ingredients which ethically they would not want (it isn't suitable for vegans) Herbal Essentials make sure these are listed on this website - click the 'More About This Item' link for the full constituents. The company's own website is equally informative, so no consumer needs to get a nasty surprise. The inclusion of beeswax and honey will mean vegans might not want to use the product - it is the KNOWING that matters. Herbal Essentials aren't wanting to pull the wool over our eyes (vegans especially might not want that one!) This is a gentle product, it is creamier than many products, and is not 'foamy' so those who like the feeling of foam up in order to feel cleansed, might miss that sensation. My face certainly felt beautifully smooth - and very soft, with no feeling of dryness. I would say it is pretty perfect for the face, and will suit those with normal to slightly dry skins. Not suitable for body exfoliation, where you might want a higher percentage of (obviously still natural) exfoliant It's a little hard to get the product out of the tube, especially the first squeeze. Perhaps the bore hole could have been a bit wider. And yes, it is more expensive than some others, but you only need a very little
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My wife has tried this out and reports that it is really good. You only need a small amount to rub onto the dampened skin of your face, the smell is very nice and in no way sweet or overpowering. The crushed walnut shells give just the right amount of exfoliation for the delicate skin of your face. There is Kaolin (clay) in the cream, which helps clear greasiness but does not harden up as in some face masques, so it is easy to rinse off your skin with warm water. Herbal Essentials is a well regarded brand, using the best natural ingredients. The packaging is simple and informative: it does not claim to work miracles but using it a couple of times week does make the skin brighter and cleaner feeling. So the only reason for dropping one star is the price of £16.50 for a 75ml tube which is a bit more than we would normally pay. But it does work well with no irritation or soreness, so you may well be worth it.....
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Herbal Essentials has established a highly regarded niche for itself. Very nice quality facial scrub with a nice texture and aroma. Recommended
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