Rise Reviews

4.8 Rating 77 Reviews
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Rise is a daily nootropic stack for your brain and mind–supporting memory, mood, and long-term cognitive resilience. It can help enhance memory, reduce anxiety and stress, and promote healthy brain function. Rise took Silicon Valley by storm and has been featured in top business and technology press including Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg and Business Insider, which discuss how it can help with memory, mental resilience, anxiety and mental fatigue.

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I'd been taking these during the day, and I noticed a slight improvement in how I felt during the day. Then I took these before bed, and wow! I had an amazing nite of sleep. I usually start stirring awake around 5:30am, waking then falling back asleep. But when I took 2 of these before bed, I slept straight thru to my alarm at 7:15am. And I would have kept sleeping if not for that alarm. And I felt really good upon waking. This was only one nite, so I can't wait to try this again.
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Posted 5 years ago
I used to have to take some many different vitamins/pills. SO nice to just take one and know I am reaping all the same benefits and more
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Posted 5 years ago
Such a great way to start the day! I am often groggy in the mornings and these help me start the day out right.
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Posted 5 years ago
Works as advertised. I've been taking it several weeks now with KADO-3 and have definitely noticed better sustained energy throughout the day. So far a great first experience with nootropics!
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Posted 5 years ago
Bridget Barron
Unverified Reviewer
Worth every penny. I never believed in pills of this sort ....but it's done as it says on the box. I feel great btw. Focused. Clear. More epiphanies too (not on the box). I meditate also. Into energy etc etc. When it kicked in it was slow and kosher like....then it was like I could mentally think better and faster ( no brain fog or fatigue ) No high feeling like what you get with other pills. No caffeine high. I'm too sensitive to drink normal coffee so I know what I'm talking about. If your an Empath, this stuff is great....I feel very grounded (cuz I suck at staying grounded.... Hence I feel "everything." ....so it's great for that grounded feel.) I will be ordering more for sure. =)
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Posted 5 years ago