Rise Reviews

4.8 Rating 77 Reviews
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Rise is a daily nootropic stack for your brain and mind–supporting memory, mood, and long-term cognitive resilience. It can help enhance memory, reduce anxiety and stress, and promote healthy brain function. Rise took Silicon Valley by storm and has been featured in top business and technology press including Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg and Business Insider, which discuss how it can help with memory, mental resilience, anxiety and mental fatigue.

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This is actually better than the old build. Thanks. S Spry
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Posted 5 years ago
Great stuff!
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Posted 5 years ago
Eliezer Alvarado
Unverified Reviewer
Great for mental focus and alertness. Awesome for someone on the go and exceptional mental demands!
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Posted 5 years ago
Sharon Harris
Unverified Reviewer
Great daily use nootropic for better cognition and memory. I've been poking around nootropic products for spine time and I'm happy to add to my daily stack.
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Posted 5 years ago
Two things with this Nootropic: It is not overly processed and combined with other additives and stimulants or adaptogens and it provides a calm, clear energy so you can focus intelligently. I have auto-immune disorders with severe fatigue as symptoms in both and brain fog with one. Both of the latter create a despondency, not depression, there is still motivation but one does not function the way one used to and it is frustrating. This product works. Helps with the fatigue and clear mind. I came to it by way of an artcile written by a journalist who tried using a "nootropic tea" which did not help her at all and RISE. She had fatigue and brain fog do to the fact that she was a reporter and a publisher and RISE helped her immensely or what I thought was so. Also, she handed it out at the office and it helped other reporters and administration. I recommend it highly for those who are over taxed, over worked, strained with illness or the unexplained and need to move the day on. By that I mean there are no cures for what I have but there is no point in my dwelling on it, so I need to move on. This is very helpful with mood, focus, clarity and duration in productivity. Stuff gets done.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
I've tried all sorts of supplements to helps with mental stamina. I've noticed a big difference taking GABA, but was also interested in this product when I saw it online. I work on computers all day and the older I get, the harder it is to concentrate after 9 or 10 hours. I definetly felt the difference taking this everyday after about a week. I just feel sharper taking this. I was concerned about the price, so after the first week, I cut back to 1 a day and this seems to be keeping that level of alertness for me. They come in a nice glass jar which I will reuse, so I like that too!
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Posted 5 years ago
Take it on a full stomach. If I skip breakfast, I take it after lunch. Mild reduction in stress and tiredness.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
Such a great product - very refreshing way to start the morning. Keeps me awake/focused and ready to start the day.
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Posted 5 years ago