Noni Glow Skinfood with Prebiotics Dietary Supplement Powder - 180g JAR Reviews

4.7 Rating 79 Reviews
0 stars for packaging really. the product is not "cheap". yet there's a spoon inside. the weight is also not "alot". it could be more to factorise for the poor design and how much spills out when initial opening. and since many mention the spoon doesn't give 6g so i didn't use the spoon and self estimated using another spoon. not sure if the product itself really works anything since i just enjoy the overall taste. previously purchased the sachet despite not so environmentally friendly etc but seriously the can has horrible design. even unscrewing the can when it is brand new there's already alot of "spilled" over powder around it....... i've definitely bought powder supplement or products and they have never been in such a horrible packaging design like this. if they don't have a larger size they could have multiple can purchase discounts. and the spoon to be omitted in the can please. unsure if they could have any 'lighter' design for people who want to bring for travels etc.
2 Helpful Report
Posted 11 months ago
This is my second container of this product. I also have had to lots of the sachets. I prefer the container. I really like this product and I know it is good. It makes me feel healthy. I’ve compared it to other brands like Welle Co and Kora is the winner for me. I don’t mind the taste either.
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Posted 1 year ago
In filtered cool water or added to freshly squeezed orange juice is delicious.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
After having two spinal surgeries very close together, healing my internal scaring is just as important than the external skin for me... this is a very helpful product in getting nutrients in!
1 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
It helps me feel more energetic, less pain, and puts me in a much better mood during the worst of my COVID symptoms. I feel more fresh and relaxed, and can breathe and move easier. It doesn't cure COVID, but it definitely helps.
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Posted 1 year ago
THE BEST PROBIOTICS and also taste good !!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
This powder is ok but think it’s super expensive for what it is. I add 1/2 teaspoon to my smoothie as the scoop provided goes through it within about 10 days or less. I don’t think I’ll be purchasing again. It’s not value for money
4 Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
This is a really good product and I usually use the sachets as they are already portioned at 6g per sachet, but being environmentally conscious I decided to purchase the 180g jar. However, you would think the spoon that comes with the jar would weigh out the exact amount of 6g, but it actually weighs out 8g-9g of powder. It also has "10" written on the inside of the spoon - is that 10g? This is disappointing as you would hope that the spoon that comes with the product delivers the correct volume as per the instructions. Something to consider amending so that consumers get the most out of an organic product which is certainly not the most value buy in this particular market.
7 Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago