Sleep Posture Pillow Large (12cm) Reviews

4.6 Rating 197 Reviews
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About Levitex:

Optimise your sleep posture. Wake up rested and ache free. Pillow and mattress available now.

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Kevin Stillgoe
Verified Reviewer
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Posted 1 month ago
Ruth Ashton-Ward
Verified Reviewer
I have to say, this has changed my sleep life so much. It DOES do what it says on the tin and it's surprising how much spine health has been overlooked in our sleep lives. I have been on the quest for a decent supportive pillow for years, to help with my neck pain issues (mainly stemming from a fractured spine sustained as a child, i wake up with awful migraines). Given that James is a qualified medical professional I decided to trust his claims about this product. And he was not wrong. From start to finish the customer service is second to none - James emails you personally to check how you are getting on during the 44 day trial, and suggests hints and tips too. The longer trial itself is valued as well, as this pillow IS a lot different to what you will be used to normally. It WILL take a few nights to get used to it, and i'll be honest, I went through the 'ooh this is too hard' phase on nights 2-3, but kept going (swapping it out for old pillow during the night if i felt too uncomfy for a bit) but eventually by nights 4-5 I was sleeping the whole night on it. Yes, it feels a bit firm on the face and ear at first if you are a side sleeper but this does fade, believe me, it does, as your senses and face adjust to it, and your neck muscles relax a bit and align. The reason I emphasise this is I've seen a few people give up on night 2 as too hard, but please please don't!! The reason why? because i'm 2 weeks in now...and I literally have NO neck pain. None. It's gone. The migraine headaches and neck pain that I used to wake up regularly have gone! And my back also feels less stiff in a morning as well, as it is supporting the whole thing in alignment. My sleep quality is also massively improving. I literally can't believe that it has only taken this simple a solution to rid me from all this pain! Why are these pillows not more popular? Why doesn't everyone have one!! I already have a firm orthopaedic sprung mattress already (and tbh this is also part of the solution for you out there if you have neck pain, you also need a firm supportive mattress!), but this pillow has completed it for me. I am so happy and its made such a difference to my energy and alertness levels during the day too, it literally has been THAT noticeable! No more neck pain! I urge you to stick with it if you are just starting to trial one (oh and the foam smell DOES dissipate after a few days too!) and if you are considering buying, then I'd say they are worth every penny, with the 44 day trial providing a genuine buffer if you just can't get the hang of it after that time! Give Levitex a go - it may just change your sleep life as it has mine!
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Posted 1 month ago
David Whelan
Verified Reviewer
I’m finding it comfortable and it’s helping me sleep much better than I have done for many years. I have some disc problems plus stenosis in my neck area that makes it difficult to sleep well. The pillow has made a huge improvement and I wish I’d been able to find one of the pillows a long time ago. A physiotherapist who is a family friend recommended it and I’m so pleased he did.
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Posted 1 month ago
Sorted out my neck pain and I sleep so well now
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Posted 1 month ago
Kirsty McDonald
Verified Reviewer
My husband loves his new pillow. He says it really has improved his well being!! It has cut down his snoring significantly, so it’s improved my well being too I am going to buy my own pillow. We are so impressed. Thank you.
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Posted 2 months ago
Having given both pillows a good try, more than the 40 days, I have had to revert to a normal pillow in order to get a decent nights sleep. I found to pillow far too hard and uncomfortable. Whilst I appreciate the pillow needs to be firm the outer layer should be at least comfortable to lay on. Not for me I'm afraid.
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Posted 2 months ago
Shortly after receiving the pillow we were away for 18 nights hence the delay in responding. I have now used the pillow for 15 nights - 4 before going away and 11 since. I have long had REM sleep disorder issues and a history of snoring; I use a couple of apps to monitor my sleep and other relevant factors. While their exact numbers are not infallible, they do give reliable indications of trends and overall patterns. So what did i find? - the first three nights with my Levitex showed a 50% decline in avergae snoring; i was thrilled. - however across the 11 nights since we got back and taking avergaes across the 15 nights as a whole, there is no difference at all to the previous 15 nights; this is disappointing. - none of the last 11 nights is anywhere near the lowest scores on the 3rd and 4th nights. So these could have been coincidental and linked to other factors. So, perhaps my body did respond positively to the pillow initially, but if so it pretty soon got used to it and there is no impact. I will continue to use my Levitex a little longer as it is quite comfortable and to monitor the scores. However inital indications do not suggest it has any positive or benefical impact.
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Posted 2 months ago
Hi, Thank you for taking the time to leave a review. I'm sorry to hear that the initial low snore scores didn't persist. We sometimes find that this is because of falling back into provocative postures as you get used to the pillow and would love to provide advice on how to avoid this. As this review is anonymous we can't get in touch with you so please do get in touch with us at so we can assist. Kind regards Oli
Posted 1 month ago
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Posted 2 months ago