Sleep Glasses | Winners Reviews

4.4 Rating 12 Reviews
Maria Heinegg
Verified Reviewer
The glasses themselves work fine/functional but get better styles! For the bougie millenial brats (like me) who want Warby Parker type options, all your designs are woefully outdated and corny. It's not just functional, it's also design.
2 Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Susan Johnson
Verified Reviewer
They really work, as long as I remember to put them on early enough in the evening. The first and second evenings I used them, I slept through the night and woke up refreshed. The next two nights I did wake up due to bad dreams, but I managed to get back to sleep quite easily after doing some breathing exercises. Thank you. On our return from holiday I am going to order another pair for my husband
1 Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Tony Rubertino
Verified Reviewer
I've only been using my sleep glasses for about three weeks, but I think they are already helping me to keep a better schedule. I have found that I can even keep them on while I am sleeping and if I should get up in the middle of the night, I get back to sleep quickly.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
The sleep glasses work. I hoped but did not expect anything much. Instead, they are practically magical. I never thought anything could help me sleep well but not only do I get comfortably tired but I’ve had much deeper sleep when I am sleeping. I don’t usually write reviews but I’m writing in the hope that other, horrible sleepers like me will find Sleep Glasses and enjoy the much needed rest they’ve brought me.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago