Arkham Horror LCG: Investigator Deck Book - Guardian (Blue) (New Arrival) Reviews

4.5 Rating 2 Reviews
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So if you're buying this for your arkham deck, it's closer to a 4.5. This is a pretty good deck box, the magnetic latch is strong and placed well so it'll hold up, and it's very sturdy. I don't have too many negatives and they're pretty minor. There's also a little divider in it you can use for characters that have side decks/etc. My biggest complaint is that the "window" for the mini-card doesn't have any kind of protection on it, so if you don't sleeve it, its very easy to damage - even whilst trying to take the card in and out. I use mini mayday sleeves on mine so less of an issue, but the entire window is kinda flimsy. I use meeples when I play instead of mini-cards (easier to 'pile on' a bunch of things at a location) so I just leave the card in the window and don't touch it, but I feel like this could be a lot sturdier. Lesser issue is that the 'side' cutout (the one that exposes investigator deck) is also unprotected, so stray spills/etc have a place to go (compared to other deckboxes that are pretty protective. A thin piece of plastic or something would be nice here. Least issue is that due to the cutouts/etc the box isn't very versatile for other games, but if you're only caring about it for arkham it's not an issue. Thematically they're great, and I'm running an arkham campaign with some friends who haven't played before and they were like "oh cool!" when I handed them each their own class-themed deck box (I bought all six so I can cover any characters). It does help the vibe and it makes it easier during setup (I know everyone's color so I just hand out boxes.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 days ago
Each of the investigator classes has its own box. I usually play Guardian characters, but grabbed the Rogue (green) box too. It works with sleeved cards as well. The divider can be used to offset cards you exchanged. It is great to have this as a storage option for campaign play in between sessions.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 months ago