Soda Bottle Bird Feeder Make a recycled bird feeder Reviews

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Buy this bird feeder and it is the last one you will ever have to buy (unless,like me,yours is washed out to sea in a hurricane.) The squirrels try in vain to eat from it and cannot. The two tips offer 2 birds a meal at a time. The birds are not bothered by rodents or any seed loving pests because the bird feeder is designed to hold small birds and unlike house shaped feeders that squirrels and the like just love to attack, they can't balance on this device. Just keep an empty 2 liter soda bottle at the ready, fill the bottle with seed - use a funnel - screw on this bottle feeder and hang it upside down - voila birds feed, none steal.
2 Helpful Report
Posted 11 years ago
We live in New England with very low temps and much snow and moisture building up on our bird feeders. In the past I had a plastic soda bottle feeder which constantly allowed the ice and rain to block the seed. This one is metal and works in ALL weather conditions! It is great. The birds are constantly at the feeder and it couldn't be any better. Thanks, Montessori Services!
3 Helpful Report
Posted 12 years ago