Mainstay Emergency Food Rations 3600 Calories Reviews

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375 W 910 S

These taste better than any other ration I've tried (taste similar to short bread), are extremely calorie-dense for the volume of space they take up, are one of the cheapest calorie for calorie, and most easily stored emergency foods you will ever find. They are becoming the core of my emergency kit in car and home. Excellent as a sole source of nutricious calories for short-term emergencies, and in longer-term crises you can augment them with the addition of higher protein and sodium containing foods to round out your diet. These beat MRE's hands-down, and without the gastric distress caused by many MRE dishes. Compared with hiking freeze-dried meals these are way cheaper, take up a fraction of the space, and have very little sodium. I couldn't recommend them more.
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Posted 7 years ago