Anti blue light filter for MacBook Air & Pro - Macbook Pro 13" (2016-2023) - MAGNETIC Reviews

4.7 Rating 91 Reviews
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About Ocushield:

Ocushield offers the #1 medically rated range of screen protectors and blue light blocking glasses.
Ocushield helps you filter out harmful blue light, to protect your eyes, skin, and sleep better!

With a 100-day money-back guarantee and thousands of 5-star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ reviews across all our platforms, Ocushield is the risk-free path to better eye health and improved wellbeing.

Give Ocushield a try today!

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After installing the blue light screen, my eyes could feel the difference quite instantly. After staring at a screen all day, this finally provided some relief! My eyes don't feel like mush after a long day and I attribute that to this screen. I've recommended to some friends and will continue to do so.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
It fits very nicely on the computer screen and it blocks the blue light properly without altering the color of the screen. Highly recommend.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
makes screen a little shaded but not bad and has made eyes feel much better. super easy installation and great quality
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Posted 3 years ago
The screen protector does seem to lessen eye strain (stinging primarily) but I did have trouble applying it despite following directions carefully. But customer service was great about replacing the first one I received which left bubbles that would not go away. I do think it adds more of a glare which is mostly an issue when there is a window behind me, and less of an issue when it’s shaded. But I still wish the glare was less. I also still notice some blurred vision. It didn’t solve that problem. I imagine it’s bc it’s the result of looking at the screen for a long time and not the blue light specifically. I also still wear my orange glasses at night and notice a difference when I put them on. So while I trust the product and feel good that I’m receiving less blue light through the screen, it doesn’t work as well as strongly tinted orange glasses. I’d still recommend it though bc less blue light is better at the end of the day.
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Posted 4 years ago
It is good solution for the blue screen and works well. But bubbles are hard to remove and annoying.
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Posted 4 years ago
I got this screen protector when we started distance learning in March and I started staring at a screen all day. I developed terrible headaches and was extra tired and this I saw an add for this. I decided to go ahead and get it and I'm so glad I did! The day after putting it on I already felt so much better; no headaches and less fatigue. I would highly recommend purchasing this, especially if your job requires you to look at a computer most of the day.
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Posted 4 years ago
I spend many hours a day on my computer for Zoom calls and reading from websites. Since installing the computer screen I no longer experience strain or fatigue on my eyes. I would not have believed it could work if I did not experience it myself. Purchase this screen protector!
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Posted 4 years ago
Bought the produce for my Mac. Easy to apply and does what it says it will do in reducing eye strain.
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Posted 4 years ago