Military Style Emergency 24hr Ration Pack Menu 1 Reviews

3.3 Rating 3 Reviews
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Preppers Shop UK was founded in January 2014 to meet the ever growing demands of UK preppers.

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Prow Park, Treloggan Industrial Estate, Newquay

Ordered menu 11 which on the page is "Apple & cinnamon muesli & milk, chili con carne, long grain rice, Moroccan style bean stew" but what arrived was a vegetarian meal, which seemingly doesn't match up with any of the other menus, looks sort of random. Either way, tastes good, delivered quick enough, enough food to power through the day and then some.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
I have bought a couple of ration packs to keep in my car during this cold weather, I have made up a 24 hour car kit. I'd highly recommend getting these ration packs, awesome to keep around for emergency situations.
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Posted 9 months ago
I want to make it clear to other buyers. You are buying items that have been rejected by the army, they have been deemed unstable. This company is buying them on the cheap and selling them as new. No mention of them being 3+ years old or that they will be past the best before date. Several of the packs I ordered were out of date (Best Before) most of the rest were weeks away. The company had no interesting in replacing the out of date packs and were just plain rude. I have spent more £100 with them and was going to keep buying... I expect this review will be deleted. probably like most of them. just have a look on Trustpilot
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Posted 9 months ago