Aroma Snooze Vaporiser + 2 Oils Reviews

4.9 Rating 440 Reviews
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Are You Ready to Improve Sleep?

Australian Families Trust and Recommend The Natural Benefits Of An Ultrasonic Sleep Aid
Good sleep is the number 1 way to boost immunity, brain function and mood - Dr Ozan
Complete sleep solution from birth - 99 years +
What's In the Kit?
- 16 hour Ultrasonic Vaporiser 
- 15ml Essential Oil Blend: choice of "Snooze" for sleep, or "Winter Rescue Remedy" for congestion
- Invitation to join our private Snooze and Sniffle Facebook Group
- 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee

Real Proof from Real Parents

Quick Feature Guide
- Long running, cool mist vaporiser
- Ultrasonic air purifer
- Ionizer
- Aromatherapy 
- Red light therapy
- Sound therapy 
- Voice recorder/playback

Widely used to assist 
Positive Bedtime Routine  
Falling Asleep  
Deeper Sleep 
Separation Anxiety 
Self Settle 
Early Risers  
Sleep Regression
Fear of the dark
Day Naps  
Breathing & Respiratory Health
 Sinus and Allergy 
Cold and Flu 

Watch to see how it can improve sleep habits in your home
Quick Checklist

A complete solution for good health and good sleep
4 colour choices: White, Wood-Look, Pink, Blue.
Ultrasonic cool mist dispersing to 30 sqm
Runs ALL NIGHT using 300ml water - other cheap diffuser brands only run 4-6 hours.
No heat, no steam, no condensation 
Built in Air Purifier and Ioniser - other cheap diffuser brands do NOT have these features
Optional Red Light (for maximum melatonin production) + 6 other colours
5 sound songs, all continuous play

Slow rhythm lullaby
Pink Noise
Rain/Nature sound
Uplifting rhythm lullaby

Unique voice recording option to soothe your child - no other Australian sleep machine has this feature
Exclusive 30 day Satisfaction Guarantee - we are the only Australian stockist to offer such a risk free trial

Aroma Snooze Sniffle Upgrade
$199, with free standard shipping  

"I did my research when looking for a diffuser. The feature that sold me on Aroma Snooze was that it runs ALL NIGHT. So many other brands only run 4-6 hours, and there's no way I'm getting up to refill. So happy with our purchase. We use it every night"
Kate, Canberra 

Aroma Snooze Features

- Long running, cool mist vaporiser in Australia with built in ioniser. Negative ions eliminate allergens, dust, bacteria and pollen from the air, purify the blood, balance the autonomic nervous system, promoting deep sleep and healthy digestion. Cheaper diffusers do NOT have the ioniser feature.
- Eco-friendly, ultrasonic technologies and BPA-free materials.
- Quick set up in 1 minute: add water, add oil drops, press light, mist, sound button. Done. 
- The energy efficient unit remains cool to touch, with no heat source, and no risk of burns.
- 'Cool mist' technology is recommended by health professionals, concerned that traditional 'heating' vaporisers (Vicks and Euky Bear) can produce excess condensation and potentially cause mould spores to grow in the room and can be ingested into the lungs.
Reviews from our Facebook 42,000 followers

 Organic Essential Oil - 15ml 

"Snooze" Blend - For Sleep
- Sweet Orange - packed with antioxidants, it can be used to assist sleep and alleviate tummy upsets, serve as a detoxifier and boosts immunity.
- Lavender - calming to the mind and may relieve nervous tension, anxiety and promote a restful nights sleep. Antibacterial and antiviral properties
- Geranium -  protects the body from infection, assists lymphic circulation
- Palmarosa - hydrating properties and can assist in preventing inflammation
- Cedarwood and Sandalwood - warm and herbaceous, ideal for relaxing and calming the mind and body, plus highly antibacterial.

"Winter Rescue Remedy" Blend - For Congestion
- Eucalyptus (Radiata Leaf) - clears the nose and may suppress coughing, reduces airway inflammation.
- Lavender - calming to the mind and may relieve nervous tension, anxiety and promote a restful nights sleep. 
- Tea Tree - supports respiratory health with antibacterial and antiviral properties.
Unique 6-in-1 Functionality:
Ultrasonic Vaporiser/Diffuser:  Keeps essential oils in their 100% purest form and is easily absorbed through the skin and breath, and inhaled into the limbic system.  The 'cool mist' technology produces no heat and no condensation and uses minimal water.
Humidifer:  The ultrasonic waves create air moisture to combat the drying effects of heating and air-conditioning. The moisture releases into the skin without any condensation. Unlike other humidifiers, these ultrasonic vaporisers use small quantities of water and will not create dampness or heat.  Perfect in all climates, even in the tropics!
Air Purifier:  The ultrasonic oil diffuser releases negative ions, which produce electrostatic reactions with dust and impurities floating in the air, thereby purifying the air, removing allergens, stale air and odours.  Our essential oil blends also have antibacterial properties as they disperse into the air, which assist to cleanse and purify the air and rid of airborne bacteria.
Ioniser:  Water vibrates at 2.4 million Hz/sec creating negative ions.  These disperse into the air and help remove dust, germs and bacteria, which assists breathing, improves sleeping and enhances general wellbeing.
Other cheaper diffusers on the Australian market do NOT have an ioniser function.
Night Lamp:  Multiple, optional light functions.   Use deep red light for maximum melatonin production or rotate through a rainbow of beautiful colours  or can be completely switched off.
Sound Therapy: babies and children of all ages sleep better with soothing, consistent background noise, which plays for the duration of the sleep cycle. Choose from 5 natural sounds and songs, with a range of volume, or record a 30 second message of your own voice or "shhhh shhhh" which plays continuously on loop. Sound can be switched off completely if preferred. 

 Create the Perfect Bedroom Environment for ALL AGES
with Hydrated, Purified Mist, Light and Sound Therapy

We love to support community projects.
 $1 from your order helps us partner with Humpty Dumpty Foundation

Newborns, Vaporisers and Essential Oils

- The Aroma Snooze Cool Mist Vaporiser can be used with plain tap water for babies under 3 months to purify and humidify the air.
- Essential oils not recommended for babies under 3 months.  
- Please consult your health care professional for more advice on appropriate use and dosage of essential oils. This is not meant to alarm parents, it's just that a newborn's skin and respiratory system is so new and immature.  Read our full blog article to learn more about the safe use of essential oils with babies.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Will the Aroma Snooze Sleep Aid work for my child?

Thanks for understanding that the Aroma Snooze Sleep Aid is not a magic overnight fix for sleep issues.  But when combined with a calm, consistent routine, and age-appropriate sleep schedule, and a screen-free hour before bed time, it can produce great results.  Please check out the testimonials at the bottom of this page. 
We understand all children need love, connection and nurturing. All children have unique personalities and temperaments. Families have different parenting styles and sleep preferences. 

But ultimately, little ones who have age-appropriate, consistent sleep cycles are happier, healthier and smarter.
Good sleep also gives parents the energy and fortitude they need to embrace the joys and challenges of the parenting journey.
If your current sleep (or lack of sleep) situation is causing stress, and you are ready to make consistent calm changes to implement age-appropriate sleep guidelines, then using an Aroma Snooze Sleep Aid will be an excellent addition to your plan. You may start to see changes within days.
It's totally normal for there to be a slightly disrupted sleep, or sleep regression on the 1st or 2nd night. The Aroma Snooze is a completely new gadget for your child, and they will be excited and curious.Don't lose heart if this happens. Please use the Aroma Snooze for the duration of every day nap and night sleep for at least a week.  
Our support team are here to help, so if you haven't seen a positive change after 8 days, please email our support hub for more guidance on sleep routines. 

Can I use the Aroma Snooze from birth?
Yes, all the features of the machine are recommended from birth EXCEPT the essential oil. Please diffuse only plain tap water until around 3 months. This is not meant to alarm parents, as the essential oil is 100% pure and organic and safe, however a newborn's skin and respiratory system is so new, we may not be aware of any sensitivities or allergic reactions. 
From 3 months, please add 2-5 drops of the Snooze Essential Oil.
Newborns have a shorter sleep/wake cycle than older babies, so the Aroma Snooze will not get your newborn "sleeping through", as newborns are not physiologically capable of long blocks of 10+ hours sleep. However, using the Aroma Snooze from birth will establish a calming, purified sleep environment with familiar lights and sounds, so it is recommended to start early.
When sleep regressions or teething stresses occur at 2, 4, 6 and 12 month stages, you will have already established settling techniques using the mist, light and sound, which will help your growing baby transition through growth patterns and sleep disruptions. 
Why are Ultrasonic Diffusers the best way to diffuse essential oils?
With the flick of a button, you can instantly fill a room with the aromatic and therapeutic benefits of essential oils. Your home will smell beautiful, and your overall wellbeing will be improved by breathing the essential oils via the fine mist. You no longer have to worry about naked flames, or if you turned off the diffuser, as it switches off automatically when the minimal water level is reached.
Is it safe to leave the ultrasonic diffuser unattended?
Yes, these intelligent, energy-efficient ultrasonic diffusers do not use any form of heat, candle or naked flame, so it is safe around children, the elderly and some pets.  The oil diffuser will automatically switch off once the water level reaches a low level (up to 18 hours).
We encourage your child to sleep with the diffuser on for better sleep and relief from cold and flu symptoms, dry skin, eczema and more.
What are the benefits of the Aroma Snooze Ultrasonic Diffusers over conventional oil burners or vaporisers?
The Aroma Snooze does not use any form of heat to diffuse the water mist/oil into the atmosphere.  By heating essential oils you can severely alter the molecular structure and thus destroy the aromatic and therapeutic benefits of the essential oil. 
By using these ultrasonic diffusers, your essential oils will be kept in their purest form and the qualities of the essential oils will be enhanced by the high vibrations. 
This 'cool mist' technology is recommended by health professionals, concerned that traditional 'heating' vapourisers (like the Vicks and Euky Bear units) can create condensation and potentially cause mould spores to grow in the room, which can be ingested into the lungs.
Does the ultrasonic vaporiser make a noise?
The Aroma Snooze Vaporiser is quiet, but not silent. In operating mode, there is a very faint trickling water sound.  
There is a whirring hum of the motor, as the unit operates. 
The built in Sound Therapy ensures any operational noise is gently masked, for the ultimate good night's sleep.
How is the Aroma Snooze different to the Aroma Bloom or other Aroma Vaporisers on our Website?
The ultrasonic mist production is generally the same, however the Aroma Snooze uses 300ml of water, the Aroma Bloom uses 200ml, Aroma Dream uses 400ml of water.  The Snooze mist product can be set to intermittent or constant, like the Aroma Bloom and will run all night.
The Aroma Snooze has a number of light settings - a red rotation, a rainbow rotation, or switched off. The Aroma Bloom with coloured lid only reflects the lid colour. The Aroma Bloom Wood Vaporiser has warm, cool and rainbow lights. The Aroma Dream has rainbow light options. 
The sound features are the most unique aspect of the Aroma Snooze.  No other vaporiser has inbuilt sound therapy.  It offers a choice of 5 nature sounds/songs.
The voice recorder is an Australian first, which allows parents to record their own voice, song or "shhh, shh" to calm and soothe their little one.  A delight for FIFO parents who may be away for weeks on end. Your little one can sleep listening to your voice on a 30 second playback.
What Is an Essential Oil?
An essential oil is a substance that is extracted from the flowers, leaves, stems, roots, bark or seeds of a plant. It is the concentrated essence of the original medicinal plant, containing the molecular constructs of its therapeutic properties.  Pure Oil Blends are professionally crafted with high quality oils  and offer a safe, natural way to support the body through many issues of imbalance and ill-health.
They can also enhance natural balance and compliment many areas of daily life. The end result is a concentrate combination of essential oils that smell divine and may work wonders.  Our Aroma Snooze Essential Oil is included in the pack, with a unique combination of oils to promote deep restful sleep for all ages. 
What are the safety issues relating to essential oils?
Essential oils are a natural, yet powerful substance.  Not recommended for use with babies under 3 months - read more information on our blog. Essential oils should never be ingested. If swallowed, do NOT induce vomiting and contact the Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26. Keep essential oils out of the reach of children. Store below 30 degrees and out of direct sunlight.  Discontinue use if sensitivity occurs.  
Health benefits are based on traditional aromatherapy and do not replace professional medical advice.  Consult your health care professional for advice on appropriate use and dosage of essential oils.
Pets can also be sensitive to essential oils. Read BLOG         Glow Dreaming
What is the difference between cheap Oil Essence/Fragrant Oil available for $2 from discount stores and your Organic 100% Essential Oil?
Oil Essence/Fragrant Oil is available in discount stores for a few dollars - it is predominantly a chemical blend of synthetic essence, which smells like the plant, and is mixed with a lot of carrier oil.  Whilst the smell of these oils might last longer, there is little health benefit in diffusing/breathing this chemical mixture.  
Our 100% Organic Essential Oil is a high quality, natural substance with no carrier oil or synthetic properties.  As such, there can be many health benefits by diffusing/breathing this oil.
Why should I buy from
Lots of reasons! We are a Mum-run small business in Brisbane, with young children of our own.  We know what works, and we offer exceptional customer service, with our sleep support hotline. We have 1000s of testimonials on our website, and 1000s of loyal customers every year.
We are proud to be design consultants in the research and development of the Aroma Snooze, as we know it offers a great sleep solution to customers of all ages. 
We wrap your parcels with love, and dispatch them quickly from our Brisbane office.
We offer a great rewards program, monthly competitions and an exclusive 30 day "Satisfaction Guarantee*" on all our cool mist vaporisers, so you can shop with confidence. 
When you shop with a small business, an actual person does a happy dance!  
Postage and HandlingWe strive to keep delivery costs at a minimum, and only charge the base rate provided by our carriers. Your Aroma Snooze Vaporiser and Oil will be lodged with Australia Post on the same business day (if ordered before 8am)
Standard delivery $9.95 Express Post: $15.95. Adding other products may put your order into the next weight category, and additional express fees may apply. Free standard shipping over $199, so stock up on essentials now!
Same day, free pick up is available from Woolloongabba, Brisbane.
Snotty Noses Specializes in Nasal Aspirators, Humidifiers and Vaporizers.
Our Business- Your ConfidenceCustomers trust their purchase from us.  We value each and every sale, by offering outstanding customer service, fast dispatch, and a truly brilliant product.  The Lively Living Vaporiser range is the most popular and trusted cool mist vaporiser/diffuser in Australia.  
* Satisfaction Guarantee: The Aroma Snooze comes with an exclusive "Satisfaction Guarantee", only available from our store. Purchase and use the Aroma Snooze and if it doesn't help you or your family breathe and sleep better, please return it within 30 days for a refund of the purchase price, less a $7 processing fee. All details are included on All the Legals page.  We are proud to offer this "Satisfaction Guarantee" for the Aroma Snooze, as we are so confident you will be delighted with its functionality and style. 
Disclaimer: We are not doctors or healthcare professionals or aromatherapists. Our products are offered for sale with general use guidelines provided by the manufacturer.  Should any sensitivity to our products occur, please discontinue use. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, and/or take the place of medical treatment prescribed by a doctor or medical professional. 

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Anastasia Harris
Verified Reviewer
I’ve been using the Aroma Snooze Vaporiser for a good month now and the many features make it so worth the money! It’s very loved and used in our household.
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Posted 2 years ago
Hannah Connor
Verified Reviewer
This is the best o e I have even paid for. Works awesome all night. Beautiful sounds and light That can change colours perfect for any sleeper
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Posted 2 years ago
Meghan Wilson
Verified Reviewer
Absolutely love our Aroma Snooze my toddler and husband have both enjoyed this with improved sleep ❤️ Love the built in red night light too!
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Posted 2 years ago
The Aroma Snooze Vaporise helps my son go to sleep faster.
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Posted 2 years ago
Dennis Koustoubardis
Verified Reviewer
Since purchasing the vaporiser, bubs has had a better nights sleep! No congestion for his little nose and he loves looking at the light show
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Posted 2 years ago
Rebecca Rosam
Verified Reviewer
Is easy to use and works miracles
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Posted 2 years ago
Natalia Giuliano
Verified Reviewer
This vaporiser is nothing but amazing! This has helped my baby so much and I love how it will run all night! Highly recommend :)
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Posted 2 years ago
The red light function has helped my daughter with her sleep and given us some much needed sleep. I love that it has so many features to it, very handy!
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Posted 2 years ago