Essiac Tea 50g - Small Reviews

4.8 Rating 64 Reviews
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About Tea Life:

Hello! My name's Toby and while I've always been a tea lover, I never really thought about the benefits and healing powers of herbal tea before a certain time in my life where I was going through some stress and anxiety.
This is a short story about my tea life.

I came across Valerian root tea and noticed one of the benefits listed was 'helping stress and anxiety' so I thought why not? It actually did help, and became my first go to solution for when I was feeling stressed.

Since then I have had to go back to that single shop to order it, as it's difficult to find. Sometimes it was sold out, sometimes I was too busy to make the trip, but overall I was just thinking 'why isn't this awesome drink more readily available'?

So I decided to do something about that. I researched the benefits of other herbal tea, as I was curious to see what else was out there and was astonished to learn just how useful and powerful they are. Over time, I realised they really are natures medicine.

This website has been designed to educate, and provide easy access across Australia to a huge range of Organic Herbal tea, free of pesticides and other impurities.

Apart from herbal tea, I have also stocked the best chai, exotic, and other health related blends I could find within Australia. If it's fresh, interesting and tastes great - I'll get it in.

Feel free to contact me at any time with any questions or feedback you may have. I'd love to hear from you.

- Toby Gospodarczyk

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7/1 The Crescent

Essiac Tea
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
This is a fantastic version of the essiac tea that I have been purchasing from Canada. The only difference is that for the same amount Tea Life dri organic essiac tea, I can make double (2 1-litre bottles) the Canadian version with what I believe is the same potency. Great product and quick and reliable delivery. Will be back for more.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Hi Elsie - thanks for your amazing review, I was hoping someone would leave one like this! If you make another order please place which 40g tea you'd like in the 'notes' section and I'll include that for free. - Toby
Posted 4 years ago
Very happy with my purchase
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
This tea is a great detoxifier and I am feeling much more energised. I also enjoy the thick texture the slippery elm creates. Thank you for the friendly service and fast delivery too!
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Hi Joy, thank you! :)
Posted 4 years ago
Yes, I bought it 10 days ago but I have not drink it yet. Reason being I am not sure how to prepare it. I have no time to go to your website or write email to you. Why don't you put the instruction in the shipment saving us time? Thanks for your concern.
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Posted 6 years ago
Hi Simon, thanks for your feedback. In regards to directions on the packaging – all information is within the website. The reason for this being that we’re still a small company that needs as much flexibility with labels as possible. We don’t currently have the resources for individual back labels for over 130 different tea types at this time. In the future as we grow I’m sure this will be resolved.
Posted 4 years ago
Essiac Tea
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Posted 6 years ago
Good product
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Posted 6 years ago
I am a Naturopath and was looking for "Essiac Tea" to buy and came across Toby's site. He didn't have this tea, but offered to source the ingredients and here it is. What a guy!! This tea has enormous cancer fighting properties and is an immune system booster...drink a cup a day. • If you want to use the tea for boosting your immune system & general maintenance, then you measure an eggcup full of the tea and dilute it with enough hot water to make half a cup. Drink every day.(at night) • If you are going through a body detox, and want to purge the toxins out of your gut and body, then double that amount,drink at night,no food an hour before • drink plenty of water because this helps to flush away the toxins • It is the best tea for detoxing and immune system maintenance
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago
Hi Karina, Thank you for your review! Please let me know of any other updates you have with this blend and hope to hear from you soon. : )
Posted 4 years ago