Naim SUPERNAIT 3 Reviews

5 Rating 13 Reviews
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I've recently upgraded my hi-fi amplifier to a Naim Supernait 3 and am very pleased with the results. Andy was very knowledgeable and patient in answering my questions and offered a listening demo to help me decide if I should upgrade to this amp. I'm so happy that I did - the sound enhancement is superb. The audio advice from both Jack and Andy is second to none and I was also offered a very fair price for my previous amplifier as trade in. This was my third purchase from Audiobarn, my go-to dealer for all things hi-fi.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Under Andy's careful guidance, I upgraded from Nova to NDX2 (and SN3). I followed Andy's advice to the letter in terms of cabling and connectors and speakers' feet. The result is a significant step-up in sound quality, with no reduction in usability. Unlike most of Audiobarn's customers (I am guessing), I am very bothered about where stuff is made and what it looks like - Andy navigated my foibles skillfully. I am too green to say that it is the NDX2 or the SN3 which makes the big difference - but I can tell you that the combination feels and sounds right. To be clear, I was happy enough with the Nova - but once you start on the proper HiFi road, the urge to get on the ladder properly is powerful. I would not have started here - I needed to go Nova first (I had no idea what I was doing). Andy and Jack are not pushy - they advise. They are worth listening to properly.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Having had help from Andy and the Audiobarn upgrading my turntable a year or so ago, it was the turn of the electronics, With external constraints requiring at most a two box system the usual brilliant service advice has resulted in Naim NDX 2, Naim Supernait 3 plus Super Lumina interconnects. Delivery, set up and trade in of the old Nova was seamless – an absolute model of what customer service should be. The step up in sound quality is absolutely staggering. If ever the 2 box constraint is relaxed I’ll be back to the Audiobarn to see where else we might take things. And thanks again Andy for all the help!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Seriously impressed with my new Supernait 3, thanks to the Audiobarn for the guidance on creating a balanced system, didn’t expect my system could sound this good without spending a lot more money.
2 Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Seriously impressed with my new Supernait 3, thanks to the Audiobarn for the guidance on creating a balanced system, didn’t expect my system could sound this good without spending a lot more money.
2 Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Very musical and engaging integrated amp. All the PRAT Naim is famous in just one box. Sounds superb in my system and room. Throughly recommended.
2 Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I have been hunting round, reading reviews and auditioning amps for over 2 years. I wanted a good integrated with grunt and clarity to handle the dynamics of music and also to extract the subtleties. I chose the Supernait3 because it is excellent to use with my Rega MC Fono stage of my Rega Planar 6 as well as with the Naim ND5XS2. As an added bonus - I connected my old CD player to the ND5XS2 and found that by using the Supernait 3 remote control unit I can now control my older Arcam CD player completely - brilliant! Apart from the features listed the SN3 is a sterling piece of kit IMHO. It delivers music with wonderful imagery and clarity (I really love the clarity of this amp) and has the power to really party if needed! The Supernait 3 is a fully analogue amp and I can see the limitations that some might find with this but when accompanied with the ND5XS2 streamer the combination is great and hopefully will last me for years to come. Once again - very grateful to Jack allowing me to audition at home and for his advice!
2 Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
This is a wonderful product from Naim - a massive upgrade from my first gen Uniti of course, with enchanting levels of details and great authority in the rendition. It changed my audio experience massively.
3 Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago