Remote Dog Training Collar - SportDog SD425X Reviews

5 Rating 24 Reviews
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SportDog SD425E is a fully submersible transmitter and Electronic remote dog training collar great for working dogs, hunting dogs in 450m range and 7 levels of correction

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1300 843 364



U2 / 41 Holder Way,
Western Australia

Our big and stubborn dog, 'Ned' is a 1 year old Kelpie. He used to chase sheep and just wouldn't listen when being called. As soon as we had the SportDog Trainer on him, he started to behave instantly. Now after 1 month he responds really well when being called. I highly recommend this dog training collar. Awesome Job!
1 Helpful Report
That is awesome, Jayne. Send our regards to Ned. Love the review and the photo. Cheers!
A very nice dog training collar, very strong and durable. My shy dog has become very trainable and he looks very happy. Louise
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My dog quickly became settled with the Sport Dog Training collar on. I love the rechargable batteries so he can where it and it's ready for training when i need it. Henk
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I wanted to know how to stop my Kelpie chasing the motor bikes. The Dog Line gave me great advice on training and how to get the best result with the SD425E Dog Training Collar from Sport Dog. We have solved the problem very quickly and now just use the collar for walks and refreshing the dog training. Thanks!
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I bought this SportDog Remote dog training collar from Colin at the Dog line a few months ago. My wife did not want to ever take phantom for a walk and he used attack other dogs. Now my wife has followed the advice from The Dog Line and the Training guide and she has been able to use the SportDog training Collar for some training. He can go off the lead in safety and we don't have to worry. All we use now is the beeper to remind him. He used to chase the Roos for over half an hour and now he listens to me when I tell him to leave them. Money well spent. Thanks Colin and The Dog Line.
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I have 2 dogs, one is Golden retriever. I could could not let them off the lead in the park because if they would run away, were in danger. I'm so glad that I've followed your remote dog training guide because within a few short lessons, my Golden Retriever has completely changed, she is very obedient now and can go for walks. Highly recommended!
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I wanted to know how to stop my Kelpie chasing the motor bikes. The Dog Line gave me great advice on training and how to get the best result with the SD425E Dog Training Collar from Sport Dog. We have solved the problem very quickly and now just use the collar for walks and refreshing the dog training. Thanks!
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This worked a treat! My dog was continually jumping up on people and we were able to use the SportDOG training collar to teach him not to jump and let him off the lead when we walk (cause he will not go on any lead) so this is great.
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