Harushika “Hiyaoroshi” Reviews

5 Rating 3 Reviews
This was a game changer warm. The strawberry flavor really came through at warmer temps. I did try it chilled as well but felt that the colder temps didn’t do it justice. I’m not new to sake but I am new to drinking sake more selectively than whatever I could find at the local Japanese market (which is still a lot in LA). This was the sake that really made me realize the differences in flavor profiles you could achieve at diff temps.
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Posted 6 months ago
Charles Wright
Unverified Reviewer
This is a very nice seasonal sake. It has rich aroma, especially when the bottle is first opened. I enjoyed both chilled and warm, but I preferred it warm. Since it seasonal, you will have to watch for it in early October as it sold out quickly. The flavors and aroma really did fit well with the fall season!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I have tried this chilled and warm, and both were very pleasant but the gentle strawberry flavor is even more pronounced when warm. Very comforting and inviting. A nice liquor "bite" at the back for those who enjoy that, but still very drinkable.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago