Oh So Scented Reed Diffuser | Cedarwood and Bergamot Reviews

5 Rating 66 Reviews
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About VOYA Skincare:

As a truly niche brand we are focused on creating genuinely organic, seaweed-based products and spa treatments. VOYA offers luxury results-driven products based on the highest-quality botanical ingredients and aromatherapy oils.

We combine the purest ingredients with ancient traditions and sustainable processes to create a range of products and treatments that achieve exceptional results.

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Ho avuto modo di conoscere la fragranza in questione alle Maldive, a kuramathi dove sono stata a gennaio per curarmi presso il centro medico iperbarico a seguito di una drammatica esperienza. Mi ha colpito molto, la freschezza che emana per me rappresenta il profumo della mia rinascita, della mia seconda vita, visto che secondo i medici che mi hanno curato lì sono viva per miracolo. Inoltre, il profumo di agrumi si diffonde gradevolmente nell'ambiente circostante. Il diffusore ha uno stile che si adatta ad ogni ambiente. Appena rientrata in Italia l'ho cercato e comprato. È nella mia camera da letto e ogni mattina al risveglio mi riempie di buon umore!!!
1 Helpful Report
Great strong smelling diffuser. Has lasted longer than other ones from different companies. Good product
1 Helpful Report
Gorgeous smell which lasts well
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The Reed diffuser Cedarwood and Bergamot is absolutely beautiful, this is the second time to buy one. Delivery was very quick.
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I smelled this when I went to a SPA and after 3 weeks I have a memory of that smell. So it was the best decision I made in ordering the products it’s so relaxing when I move from to room and the beautiful smell it’s just gorgeous.
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Gorgeous Gorgeous smell that lingers on and on forever. Worth every cent hands down. I got the body oil too.i smell like a Godess. I no longer associate with mere mortals.
4 Helpful Report
I simply love this diffuser. My friends have commented on its aroma and I have purchased one as a surprise present for one of them. Brilliant diffuser that lasts and lasts.
1 Helpful Report
The smell is absolutely beautiful and lasts along time. Will definitely buy this item again.
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