Cocoa 4 Pack (£0.72/bowl) Reviews

3.3 Rating 12 Reviews
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It incredible that this product even exits. If you have grown up eating sugary cereals then this might worth trying but be warned, when the boxes says zero sugar, you will notice its absence, for better and worse. The texture is good, but can get a bit... gloopy in the mouth and the chocolate flavour is good, just not nearly intense enough. If you are looking for a healthy cereal that still tastes like chocolate this will do, and is good value for money, just don't expect the same intensity of flavour you may have come to expect from other cereals with a lot more sugar and R&D behind them.
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Posted 3 years ago
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Great macros. Not very sweet and not that heavy on chocolate, could do with a bit more flavour. But texture is great and the gains are what sells it. Pricey though!
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Posted 3 years ago
Alvaro Sanchez-Martinez
Verified Reviewer
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Posted 3 years ago
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Posted 3 years ago