2 extra cartons Cinnamon Reviews

4.3 Rating 36 Reviews
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Really tasty cereal, crunchy, perfect for breakfast or snacks! Love them, five stars. :)
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Posted 2 years ago
How was the Crunch?
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I could only manage one bowl before having to give it away. The cinnamon flavour, which isn't that strong, leaches into the milk too quickly but what's worse was the texture of the cereal. It's very crunchy at the start but it descends into a long dry chew (typical of most high-protein bars/wafers) before swallowing each spoonful. Each mouthful was gag-provoking and made the whole cereal experience feel like a chore. I could only eat a single bowl before giving it away which was a huge waste of money. You should sell small sample packs and when you take this back to the drawing board try dropping the 'crunch' slightly, reducing the size of the 'rocks' to like 'rice crispies' size and perhaps introduce more air bubbles into them so each spoonful is a bit quick and satisfying and less like chomping through soaked cardboard
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Posted 2 years ago
How was the Crunch?
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Being able to purchase 2 boxes provides an affordable option. 6 boxes is a lot of product and expensive if you don't like it. I did hold back until the 2 pack was available. I will definitely be ordering again, what a wonderful find ❤️
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Posted 2 years ago
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Posted 3 years ago