Jade Vitality Full Body Heating Pad - Practitioner Special Reviews

5 Rating 21 Reviews
I've been using the Jade Vitality Mat for about 2 weeks now. It's help tremendously with my back pain. And when I use it at night before bed I feel like I fall asleep faster and sleep better.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
So glad to hear that you've found relief with Jade Vitality! It's great for back pain :) Thanks so much for leaving us a review. Hope you continue to enjoy your mat for years to come.
Posted 4 years ago
There is a mixed review from those who have laid upon this mat in my office. Most love the warmth, the feeling of heat. Some do not enjoy heat and ask that it be discontinued. I myself, enjoy the heat.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Thank you! Great feedback! Some patients are more sensitive to heat than others for sure.
Posted 4 years ago
I bought the Jade Vitality in November and was going to take it back and forth between home and office, but after 3 days and the black friday sale came on I decided to buy a second one just for the office. After just one week I had several clients interested in buying their own. (and one client did get one right away). I have now purchased the resell package of 9! Everyone who tries it loves it. For myself, so far, it has helped with chronic S.I. joint pain from a congenital structural impairment. I've treated this for years and is one of the main reason I became an acupuncturist, (25 yrs. ago). But with aging the joint is degenerating and I've experienced more unrelenting pain even being treated with several modalities every week. I was beginning to consider that I would have to sell my practice several years before I really wanted to. The mat, that I use everyday, is giving me hope that I may not have to do that. So far it has quieted down the pain significantly. Thank you Kathryn Cooper, EAMP WA
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
This is such an amazing story. We're so happy to hear that Jade Vitality has provided you some relief, and has possibly opened doors to you that otherwise would have closed! We hope that your patients continue to love theirs, too. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your experience and story, Kathryn. We're so glad that you're our customer!
Posted 4 years ago
This is the best purchase I’ve made for my patients in a long time. Nearly every patient loves this, even when it’s hot outside. Now that it’s cold, they just can’t wait to get on the table. Acupuncture treatments hold longer too. Well worth the cost!
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Wow, thank you for your feedback! This is so great to hear. We're so glad that Jade Vitality has added value to your clinic, and that patients are excited to come in for acupuncture. We appreciate your business and your positive review immensely. We wish all the best to you, your practice and your patients.
Posted 4 years ago
It does realty help relax muscles and gives a sense of well being. My dogs like it too.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Yes, our furry friends seem to LOVE Jade Vitality! (: Glad to hear it has helped you with muscle relaxation and vitality, and that your dogs enjoy it as well.
Posted 4 years ago
I am so glad I got The Jade Vitality Pad for my acupuncture room. My patients absolutely love it even in the summer... I have been receiving many compliments about it. It is a great addition to enhance the comfort of my patients and it helps kick start their healing... I also appreciate that it is affordable. I highly recommend it!
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Loving your feedback! It's great to hear that patients appreciate the Jade Vitality pad in the summertime as well as the winter. We think it can be very helpful in the summer, as many businesses are heavily air conditioned and sometimes that fake, a/c cold endured throughout the workday can be quite bitter! Thanks for taking the time to leave your feedback. We're so glad you're enjoying this product.
Posted 4 years ago
Patients love it, and so do I. Awesome concept to “sink into” rocks for easier breathing and deep relaxation:)
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Love this! Great tip (: Glad you've enjoyed the Jade Vitality Heating Pad.
Posted 4 years ago
This mat is wonderful! The negative ions are quite palpable and the heat is soothing and healing. I would definitely highly recommended it, be it for personal or professional use. Very effective in terms of increasing vitality, energy levels, stress reduction, healing acceleration, and better sleep. Thank you!
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Thank you so much for sharing your experience with Jade Vitality. Very cool to hear that you've had a tangible experience with the negative ions, and that the full body heating pad has proved so helpful to you. Thanks for being our customer, and we hope you continue to enjoy this product.
Posted 4 years ago