Photizo Vetcare Reviews

4.7 Rating 23 Reviews
Pamela McKenzie
Verified Reviewer
Our 1 year old Golden pulled up lame; visit to vet, and the diagnosis was a torn ligament in her "knee". Surgery is not an option for myriad reasons. Consulted with my acupuncturist about red lasers in conjunction with Dasuquin and low level activity. She is bearing weight (so not likely a totally torn ligament, or a bad sprain) and a consulting vet agreed with the plan of care; will see her in 4-6 weeks for a hip adjustment and maybe acupuncture. The red laser has been a gentle treatment that she enjoys, and seems to be helping with the inflammation. We are hopeful for a slow but sure recovery. Your laser was recommended by my acupuncturist, who uses red laser on her human clientel; I find it relaxing and helpful too. Thanks for a good product that is helping our furry girl.
2 Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
Wow Pamela, thank you for letting us know how you are using the Photizo Vetcare. We hope that it will provide much comfort and healing.
Posted 1 month ago
Roger Haynos
Verified Reviewer
Device seems to work well. I used it on my dog and on my shoulder. We both got relief so pretty sure it works.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 months ago
Thanks for your feedback Roger! We hope it continues to provide the relief needed.
Posted 2 months ago
Tanya Currie
Verified Reviewer
I was bucked off a horse (not mine :) and my foot got stuck in the stirrup. I was dragged, stomped on, and kicked. I had multiple deep tissue and muscle bruises and a sprained ankle. My Photizo Vetcare arrived the next day (coincidence) and has helped SO much with pain, swelling, and bruising. I have also used it on my horse. He is a bit locked up near his wither and has a bit of a hunter's bump. I used it on both areas and he licked and chewed and seemed to love it. Also using it on my bad knee and my dog who was limping...all within the last couple weeks :). Works so well! The pictures show my one very dark bruise. I held the Photizo in two separate spots and did 4 cycles for each spot and you can see where the bruise lightened to pink! Also, one pic of another bruise. I treated most of it but left one spot at the end and it is easy to see what was treated.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 5 months ago
Wow Tanya, This is so incredible to see! Thank you for sharing with us. We are happy to hear that you are receiving great results so far!
Posted 5 months ago
James E Pepper Sr
Verified Reviewer
So far so good, my yellow lab is three weeks out of tearing his ccl and I apply the therapy two times a day and his mobility seems much better day by day. I've also tried the therapy on my neck and I have a better range of motion right away.
Helpful Report
Posted 11 months ago
We are so happy to hear that your dog is benefiting from the Photizo Vetcare! Of course we are also happy to hear that it is giving you some benefit too! Thanks James!
Posted 11 months ago
Very easy to use. In 2 weeks it has reduced the inflammation around my horse's fetlocks. Great product.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Hi Susan :) So Happy to hear that your Photizo is doing great things for you horse!
Posted 1 year ago
I bought this for my animals; dogs and horses, but tried it on an old injury I got from a bad horse kick. I had lots of scar tissue and swelling that I thought was here to stay. After just a couple of days, the scar tissue and swelling is 90% gone. I'm blown away.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Incredible! We are so happy to hear that Photizo has worked so well for you as well as your animals. Thanks for sharing your expereince!
Posted 2 years ago
Ashley Malewski
Verified Reviewer
With a partial CCL tear , we wanted to try to help our pup at home before committing to surgery. With a lower calorie diet to help her lose weight we were having some success, but she has benefited from the Photizo Vetcare so much. She never lays on her back , but the moment we pull out the Vetcare she goes belly up and puts her leg forward. This was a very good investment! (We also found it useful for our other dogs skin issues). Highly recommend this product.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
What an amazing story, and such a cool photo, too! We are so glad that Photizo has been a blessing to both you and your pup. Thanks so much for sharing with us.
Posted 2 years ago
Debra Campos
Verified Reviewer
I would recommend this to anyone dealing with a dog in pain. I have been using it for a few weeks with wonderful results. I bought it to use with treatments with our vet. The customer service has been awesome from ordering to delivery. Great product and great customer service!!!!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Very cool - we're sorry to hear that your pup was in pain, but so happy to hear that Photizo has provided some relief. We have heard some really amazing success stories with Photizo. Thanks for sharing! Oh, and thanks for the feedback on our customer care team! I will pass your compliments along. Wishing you and your dog well!
Posted 2 years ago