Cheyenne 16" Offset Smoker Reviews

5 Rating 12 Reviews
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1816 E. Wasp Rd,

I have done ~10.5 hours of cooking time (not including initial burn-in and practice burns to dial in temps) and I am pleased and impressed with the Cheyenne’s quality and performance. I start with a lump charcoal base adding small splits every 15-35 minutes depending on how things are looking and if I need to heat up/cool down. The unit provides clean smoke and consistent temps as long as I am running a small hot fire. There have been no unpleasant surprises so far that I wouldn’t expect from any other small backyard smoker.
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Posted 2 years ago
Hello from Norway , I got my first stick burner this summer and what can I say after working in Bucher store many year back I know how to cut the meat andbeen dreaming of having my selv a real smoker, but here in Norway its not very familiar to use smoker, it coming now but very slow. SO my first one like this doing a great job and love it , its starting beeing popular when I cook so in the furture I will need a larger one thats all !
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Posted 2 years ago
David Woodman
Unverified Reviewer
I’m am happy with my purchase of this unit. It does leak a bit around the door but all in all easy fix with some . Quality built with American steel and American workers. For size reference you can fit 3 pork butts, a 17+pound brisket, 4-5 slabs of baby backs, or about 9 dozen wings. It holds temp pretty well but does take a bit to get it to temp with the heavy steel construction. The only thing I wish I would have done is bought the Loaded Wichita for more cooking space, because I’m to one that cooks for the ball team. You will not be disappointed with the purchase of this thing though, it is built to last!
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Posted 2 years ago
This is a great smoker. I added this stick burner to a collection of Big Green Egg’s and Kamado Joe ceramics. It’s big enough for a family of 4 to 6 people and if food is placed right it can cook for many more. I’ve done pork and brisket thus far and the smoke profile is so much different than charcoal and my Pellet Joe. It’s a real wood fired BBQ taste. Don’t be swayed by the reviews and comments on social media about size and difficulty maintaining fire on this thing. It’s very simple. Begin with a good charcoal base and then use 6 to 7 inch long wood splits that are 2 to 3 inches wide. I was terrified of using it based on all those comments. When I realized the smaller splits were the key, I saw how amazing this thing is. It’s a two thumbs up for me.
4 Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
My Cheyenne is my first off-set stick smoker. I wasn't sure what to expect but when I did my first set of baby-backs, I was thrilled with the results. I am truly impressed with the results of smoking meat using this smoker. A satisfied customer. This thing is a tank! Extremely sturdy, good quality steel. I would prefer a little more height on the main barrel and wider shelves so you can place your plate of meat on it as you prepare to either smoke it or remove it when it's done. But other than that, 5 stars & would recommend it to others.
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Posted 2 years ago
Just getting my Cheyenne dialed in. People have been walking for blocks to come find my bbq. A solid built unit. Classic stick burner. The only thing I might change next time is upgrading to the next unit.
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Posted 3 years ago
This is simply incredible. A must have for anyone who wants to take smoking meat to a different level with a quality, extremely well-built, and gorgeous smoker. This will solidify anyone’s hobby of BBQ. Worth every penny!!
4 Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Yoka Barbecue
Unverified Reviewer
I bought my Cheyenne when I wanted something beyond a bullet style smoker and to learn the technique of an offset smoker and it has been a dream come true. The way that this cooker manages heat makes the learning curve a little smoother with keeping temperatures. It's built like a tank and most people who see it are amazed at how solid the build is and at how tight the welds are. A classic case of getting what you pay for. Well done!
3 Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago