Durango 20" Offset Smoker Reviews

5 Rating 1 Reviews
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1816 E. Wasp Rd,

Michael Sprague
Unverified Reviewer
After "learning" on a side-by-side offset smoker/propane grill combo made from thin metal with very bad heat control, I did some research into a serious smoker. After months of looking, I made the move to a Yoder Durango 20" offeset smoker. I was excited to experiment with the vertical chamber, but the amount of ribs that can be done in the horizontal pit is fantastic. Pork butts, briskets and ribs all getting done at the same time with no worries about space. My only issues with this unit is that the fire box begins to show surface rust after only a couple of cooks and I don't believe the thermometer on the door of the vertical pit is accurate. Yoder was very responsive about the rust, advising that the fire box takes the worst beating of the whole unit because of the direct fire and heat and sent me a can of touch up paint for the fire box. As for the thermometer, I did not have a probe thermometer to test my theory. However, food cooked much faster in the vertical than it should have based on what the thermometer was showing. I have learned that you can not have too many probes letting you know what's happening in your pit. If you are in the market for your next/last pit, this is a great unit that will not let you down.
5 Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago