Eugene has been a great support to me. I have dabbled in counting macros before but truly did not understand how to make it sustainable for all the curve balls and variety life brings. I refuse to take a scale with me so learning how to estimate and adapt on the fly was critical for me. I have continued to work out as I have always have but my coach adjusted my movement goals and macros to help me reach be successful. I know most of the work was on me actually doing and implementing what he said but like I said I have been spinning my wheels for months. The checking in and accountablility has been critical as it keeps me on track and requires me to preplan and consider upcoming differences in my eating for the week. The first month was the toughest as I was having to use the app which was so different from what I had been using. I was able to reach out and voice my frustration and Eugene helped me refocus and recognize that I don't have to be perfect from day one. It gave me some grace to learn and implemenet the changes week by week with his guidance. The materials he has supplied for me to read or watch have given me tips to implement everyday. I remember the first time I went out to eat and I had preplanned what I would have and then upon arrival the restaurant was closed. I sort of panicked and then refocused on what I could have to get hit protein and then went from there. Surprisingly I didn't overdo it and still managed to lose a little weight the next morning. I knew after than I was progressing to a more sustainable lifestyle and was really happy I took the leap to hire a coach. The most important part is how I feel. I have such high sustained energy throughout the day. My joints do not hurt like they did before, my clothes are so comfortable or almost big on me now. I just feel like a new person in such a short time it is incredible to me. This whole process reminds me of how quickly things can turn around with consistency and the right guidance.
5 months ago
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