10 July in Tandem centre Colliers wood Next store around 14:30pm I entered that store to buy some clothes for myself (important note is that i was with my wife and with my 2 kids on is 5 and the other is 2), I'm a once a month client (so kind of regular one) and today whem I went inside to search for specific clothes for a event so I could match with my 5year old son (we bought his clothes there last month) Whem I was looking for the fitting room I saw another customer asking one of the staff member where he could try and I ask the same, that staff member man age around 50 and 55 years old and collar skin was very rude saying when they have sales they don't open the fitting room. Otherwise they would have ques from boots (other side of the shopping centre, quite sure taht would be impossible but...) when I asked how can we buy the cloths if we can't trying them? He related very rude saying no clothes store is obliged to have fitting room and that when they have sales that is close. So my first question: is this policy from Next UK? When you have sales your fitting rooms are closed? Important not I'm was on the suits side and all clothes I was looking and wanted to try were not on sale. This gentleman kept saying to come other day during the week. When I said if I can't try I will not buy it and I left the clothes on tope of some angers in front of me. This staff member grabbed the cloths and came after me shouting " we're not Primark and you need to respect our clothes". If you have CCTV you will notice I put the clothes on top of other clothes on a hanger... he also says we needed to put everywhere it was... I don't need to put anything back, usually I do for respect of the people that works on those store I'm not British but would really like to see if I was British this staff member would have the same reaction and attitude, this was pure racism (I'm a white person and the staff member is a colour person) but this was pure racism/description... I start walking to go out of the sore, again with my wife and my 2 under age kids, and this staff member start to walk after us and kept saying they were not Primark and they don't need Primark clients. I have to say that the few times I went to Primark (not a regular customer on their store) I was always been treated with respect never tried their fitting room but the few time I went inside a Primark store they were always open. Really Horrible store and Horrible Staff member, i do believe that not everyone working there is the same, Serious believe this guy is Racist and has some issues against foreigners.
1 year ago
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