I would like to tell you my experience from persimmon and what you should be aware of. The pictures that I have taken was at my parents house, which I live with them since the house was newly built. The house is 2 years, and already looks like a 10 year old. As you can see that they are multiple of wall cracks from each room that I have been discovered. The side of the bath tub has started to come off, and has a dirt underneath which I founded it difficult to remove them. There was one time that the roof tile slid off and fell onto our garden; which luckily it didn’t hit someone’s head, and could have caused brain damage. Their sound proof is awful. I kept hearing loud cars driving pass, people shouting outside, banging on the stairs and electronics plugging in. Door paint chipped off. No mirrors above bathroom sink and hardly place to put towels on. When I open the dining room door, it couldn’t go far back. It got stuck on the floor, due to floor tile wasn’t down properly. Theres not enough plug in my room, where one is next to my bed and one in wardrobe. When the heating goes off, it started to get cold very quickly. Also the window & the wood strip fitting at my room is not accurate. It just good to show that the quality building is not good. Lastly in cranford chase, there is not much to do at all and it is boring except for tiny park.
1 year ago
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