AVOID AVOID AVOID - SCAMMERS!!! I had an extremely horrific experience with Bride UK that I feel compelled to share. They entice you with the promise of a free trial, but the reality is far from it. This company seems to have a shocking disregard for ethics and customer satisfaction. Here's my story of how they deceived me into parting with my hard-earned money and then harassed me when I tried to resolve the issue. Initially, I signed up for what was advertised as a "free trial" with Bride UK, a company that claims to help small businesses with lead generation. Little did I know that this was the beginning of a nightmare. Without any agreement or consent, they proceeded to automatically charge my account. The charges didn't stop at the initial one; they continued to withdraw money from my account under the pretense of providing leads. However, it quickly became apparent that the leads they were sending were nothing short of fake. These supposed leads provided no value or potential business prospects. It became clear that Bride UK was nothing more than a deceitful company preying on small businesses looking to expand their reach. Their actions were not only dishonest but also severely damaging to the businesses they claimed to support. What's even more shocking is that when I dared to challenge these unjust charges, Bride UK resorted to threats. They menacingly warned me of legal action if I attempted to recover the thousands of pounds they had taken from my hard-earned money. It's reprehensible that they would go to such lengths to protect their ill-gotten gains. It's high time that Bride UK and companies like them are held accountable for their actions. I intend to relentlessly pursue justice and bring attention to their fraudulent practices. No business or individual should ever be subjected to this kind of treatment. Bride UK, you are nothing short of deplorable scammers, and your actions are entirely unacceptable. I will continue to voice my concerns until you are made to answer for the harm you have caused to so many innocent people.
9 months ago
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