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I purchased a new sofa and it was delivered damaged in a number of places. I needed to call on numerous occasions and after 10 days they had NOT informed me what they would do about it. So I called them for a full refund. I arranged for it to be picked up and their partner "The Sofa Delivery Company" refused to sign any document or let me take a video of furniture I owened in my own house. The refused to pick up my sofa more phone calls to Sofology and I was offered for another pickup two days later. This did not work as I had arrangedva replacement that same day. ONLY after threatening legal action did they sent me someone from the same "Sofa Delivery Company" who arrived and damaged my flooring in two places. Now here, credit due, this was resolved and compensation paid the next day. But I still not have received my refund from before Christmas for a sofa I no longer have. I will NEVER do business with this company even if they are the only supplier on earth. I helped organisations globally and I have found Sofology to be the most operationally deficient business I have delt with anywhere in the world. What other company called transfer calls? And one employee three times refused to accept me recording the call. The employees have a choice and so do customers NEVER EVER again!
1 year ago
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